Page 20 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 20

Education News

             education. According to  rin i -                                               Teachers   attribute
             v a s a n  S rira m  , principal of the                                     declining  learning  out-
             high-ranked The Mann School,                                                comes  of  children  in
             Delhi, the DMVS initiative is                                               government  schools  to
             conceptually sound but it has                                               teachers being assigned
             a “lot of loose ends”. “Whether                                             a spate of ‘official’ duties
             DMVS will address the short-                                                outside  the  classroom
             comings of NIOS, is a question                                              which takes away much
             that needs to be answered.                                                  of  their  teaching  time.
             Moreover, it is silent about the                                            According  to  govern-
             social and emotional education                                              ment  school  teachers’
             of children. This is a digital                                              spokespersons, they are
             technologies driven project                                                 obliged to discharge 150
             and it’s not clear to what extent                                           non-teaching   admin-
             teachers have been trained to                                               istrative  duties  within
             deliver online lectures effec-  Aurangabad teachers protest: right to teach demand  schools  and  beyond
             tively,” says Sriram.                                                       school  gates.  These  as-
                With the Gujarat and Karnataka   their  HRA,  have  reportedly  briefed   signments  include  preparing  chil-
             assembly elections round the corner   lawyers  to  contest  this  government   dren’s  mid-day  meals,  maintaining
             and AAP emerging as a strong     directive.                       accounts  of  foodgrains  distributed
             contender, its K-12 education-driven   The prime cause of the impugned   by government to schools, collecting
             campaign will be put to test. If it suc-  directives  is  widespread  belief  that   funds  for  locally  sponsored  school
             ceeds, education is certain to move   highly paid government school teach-  development projects, submitting re-
             higher up on the national develop-  ers — their Pay Commission stipulated   ports and updating data required by
             ment agenda.                     remuneration is often 20-30 multiples   several administrative departments.
                              Autar Nehru (Delhi)  of teachers in private, especially pri-  Moreover, since July the state’s teach-
                                              vate budget schools — practice mass   ers have been assigned the additional
               MAHARASHTRA                    truancy. Way back in 1998, a PR O BE   duty of registering children for their
             Collateral damage                (P eop le’ s R ep ort on Basic  Educ ation)   Aadhar unique identification cards on
                                                                               the education ministry’s online plat-
                                              survey shocked the nation by stating
                                              that 25 percent of government school   form.
                   RIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN Ma-  teachers nationwide are absent from   n  addition,  teachers  are  routinely
                   harashtra’s  65,734  govern-  school every day.             Igiven assignments to conduct health,
             Pment-run z illa p arishad (ZP)    This widely cited report was sup-  animal  husbandry,  population  con-
             rural schools are simmering with an-  ported  in  2005  by  the  US-based   trol drives, door-to-door anti-tobacco
             ger. The state government’s education   Ithaka think tank’s J U S TO R  R ep ort   awareness campaigns, administer po-
             ministry has directed all teachers to   whose  authors  included  Nazmul   lio vaccine doses, survey the number
             display A4 size photographs of them-  Chaudhury, a World Bank economist   of public toilets, check open defeca-
             selves in their classrooms. Addition-  and Kartik Murlidharan, a doctorate   tion  behaviour  in  villages  and  even
             ally, Prashant Bamb, a member of the   scholar  at  Harvard  University  and   regulate queues outside liquor shops.
             legislative assembly (MLA) of the rul-  currently  professor  of  economics  at   During the Covid pandemic lockdown,
             ing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has   the University of California, San Di-  over 300 teachers statewide who were
             demanded that the house rent allow-  ego (UCSD). “Twenty-five percent of   assigned pandemic-related duties lost
             ance (HRA) of zilla parishad teachers   teachers were absent from school, and   their lives. Moreover during general
             who fail to provide proof of residence   only about half were teaching during   and state elections, teachers are as-
             in the same village as their school, be   unannounced  visits  to  a  nationally   signed booth management and regu-
             withheld.                        representative sample of government   lation duties.
                On Teachers Day (September 5) ZP   primary  schools  in  India.  Absence   These  extra-curricular  duties  are
             teachers wore black arm bands to pro-  rates varied from 15 percent in Maha-  routinely assigned to teachers despite
             test this government directive and on   rashtra to 42 percent in Jharkhand,   s.27 of the Right of Children to Free
             September 11, a large contingent of ZP   with higher rates concentrated in the   & Compulsory Education (RTE) Act,
             teachers from across the state staged a   poorer states,” wrote the authors of   2009, stating “no teacher shall be de-
             protest at Aurangabad. Moreover sev-  the report published in the J ournal of   ployed for any non-educational pur-
             eral teachers, who were issued notices   the Europ ean Ec onomic  A ssoc iation   poses other than the decennial popu-
             to submit proof of residence or forgo   (April-May, 2005).        lation census, disaster relief duties or

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