Page 22 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 22

Education News

             duties relating to elections to the local                                  the new academic year
             authority or state legislatures or Par-                                    2022-23, with three
             liament.”                                                                  colleges reporting single
                “It is unsurprising that teachers are                                   digit admissions against
             running a campaign demanding the                                           740 vacancies. More-
             right to teach. Government schools,                                        over, with the state’s
             especially  in  rural  areas  don’t  have                                  BJP government being
             proper  infrastructure,  lack  finan-                                      first off the blocks to
             cial support and make-do with huge                                         implement the National
             teacher vacancies. Most rural schools                                      Education Policy (NEP)
             have only one or two teachers and no                                       2020 in higher education
             support staff because of a government                                      institutions, university
             ban on teacher and staff recruitment.                                      managements are con-
             Therefore, teachers end up cleaning                                        fused and apprehensive
             toilets  and  even  ringing  the  school   Ashwath Narayan: telling admission  about online admissions,
             bell.  If  teachers  are  allowed  to  do                         teaching engineering programmes in
             their main job, it would automatically   education initiatives.   Kannada etc.
             lead to a “sense of belonging between   On September 20, the state   Simultaneously,  ris h n a  B y re
             students and teachers” which is being   government tabled the State Uni-  G ow da , a Congress party leader,
             propagated by the education minis-  versities (Amendment) Bill 2022,   has alleged “several irregularities
             try, and learning outcomes would im-  which proposes promotion of eight   and scams” in the appointment of
             prove,” says K h a n de ra o D h ob a l e ,   state government universities in   vice chancellors and faculty at state
             secretary, Maharashtra State Primary   Bidar, Haveri, Kodagu, Chamara-  universities, and rampant corrup-
             Teachers’ Association.           janagar, Hassan, Koppal, Mandya   tion that has resulted in “deteriora-
                Evidently  in  massively  mis-gov-  and Bagalkot districts. The estimated   tion of higher education standards”.
             erned Maharashtra which has experi-  expenditure: Rs.112 crore over the   Moreover Congress state president
             enced three new governments in the   next two years.              Es h w a r K h a n dre  has accused the
             past three years, children’s education   Moreover the BJP government’s   BJP government of auctioning posts
             is suffering collateral damage.  populist statements of intent to   of vice chancellors for Rs.5-20 crore.
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)  reserve 75 percent of employment   onfronted with a barrage of criti-
                                              in government and private sector   Ccism, higher education minis-
               KARNATAKA                      industry for natives of the state and   ter  r.  C . N .  A s h w a th  N a ra y a n
             Anaemic education                making Kannada the sole language   admitted that 2,300 faculty positions
                                              of administration are also being
                                                                               are vacant in the state’s government
             initiative                       interpreted as desperate measures of   colleges and varsities. Vice chancel-
                                                                               lors posts are also vacant in three
                                              the besieged BJP government ready-
                                              ing for legislative assembly elections   varsities for over a year — in Gulbar-
                   EELING UNDER ATTACKS FROM THE   early next year.            ga (Kalaburagi), Karnataka Folklore
                   opposition Congress party    Opposition Congress party lead-  (Haveri) and Karnatak universities.
             Rwhich has launched a highly     ers and academics have been quick   With Karnataka’s extant 33 uni-
             effective ‘Pay CM — 40 percent ac-  to highlight that Karnataka already   versities and hundreds of affiliated
             cepted here’ poster campaign across   hosts 33 state universities beset with   colleges in a shambles and beset
             the state to highlight rampant cor-  massive faculty shortages, rampant   with funding, faculty and certifica-
             ruption in the state (last November   corruption in appointment of vice   tion credibility problems, respected
             the Karnataka State Contractors’   chancellors and faculty, obsolete cur-  academics question the advisability
             Association wrote directly to prime   riculums and pedagogies and poor   of augmenting the number of new
             minister Narendra Modi complain-  infrastructure. Consequently, admis-  under-resourced universities dis-
             ing that government officials rou-  sions in government undergrad de-  pensing poor quality education.
             tinely extort 40 percent ‘commission’   gree colleges affiliated with state-run   “The government should distrib-
             on all government contracts and bills   universities are plummeting.   ute available resources to strengthen
             payable) and also accused by several   According to a report in The   existing state universities instead of
             private schools associations of per-  H indu (September 30) 171 govern-  promoting anaemic new higher edu-
             vasive corruption, Karnataka’s BJP   ment degree colleges affiliated with   cation institutions. It should use the
             government has sought to recover   state universities received less than   finances allocated to raise education
             lost ground by announcing a slew of   100 admission applications for   standards, recruit qualified faculty

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