Page 26 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 26

Education News

             cation Foundation, the percentage of class VII children   THEY SAID IT
             in government schools who cannot read and comprehend
             class III textbooks has risen from 23.7 percent in 2014 to   “Skill is the currency of the century. Eco-
             31.7 percent in 2021. Unsurprisingly, an estimated 20 per-  nomic actors have a more important role than
             cent of 23 million children enrolled in government schools   imagined.  An educated and skilled workforce
             have dropped out of                                 attracts investment, enhances productivity
             school  during  the
             two years of the Co-                                and is critical for moving up in the value chain.
             vid  pandemic  when                                 Academia and industry must collaborate for
             the  TMC  govern-                                   better outcomes.”
             ment  locked  down                                  Vikas Singh, economist & columnist on reforming
             schools statewide for                               Indian higher education (Businessworld, September
             91  weeks,  the  most                               24)
             prolonged   schools
             lockdown of any state                               “Education is the most potent mean for social
             of the Indian Union.                                transformation and universities will have to
                With the Calcutta                                play the role of change agents… It should be
             high  court’s  teacher                              the aim of every Indian educational institution
             recruitment  direc- Mamata Banerjee                 to become a world-class centre of learning.”
             tives  of  September                                President Droupadi Murmu speaking at the
             26 and arrest of TMC heavyweight Chatterjee revealing   inauguration of St. Joseph’s University, Bengaluru
             the sheer magnitude of the scam, chief minister Mamata   (September 28)
             Banerjee’s projected image as a decisive, can-do leader
             of the masses has suffered a severe dent. In an urgent   “As per government data, from 2015 to 2021,
             damage control initiative she announced recruitment of   more than 900,000 out of India’s total popu-
             11,000 teachers in government primary schools following   lation of 1.3 billion have surrendered their
             a new TET scheduled for December 11.                passports. Although it is a small percentage,
                But the consensus within West Bengal’s intelligentsia
             and  especially  influential  b hadralok   (cultured  middle   the worrying factor is that the number is ris-
             class) is that the proclamation is too little and too late.   ing year-on-year.”
             With the TMC government having failed to conduct fair   Vidya S, special correspondent, on the rising number
             and transparent teacher recruitment exams even after 11   of Indian HNIs migrating abroad (Business Today,
                                                                 October 2)
             years in office, Banerjee’s dream of emerging as a national
             leader heading an anti-BJP all-parties alliance in General   “More than anything else, the Congress needs
             Election 2024 has faded.
                                      Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)  to tell and sell a story to Indian voters. Mr. „a-
                                                                 roor does that well... he knows enough about
               UTTAR PRADESH                                     the Congress but is not caught in its intrigues;
             Fresh hope buds                                     and he knows better than most others how to
                                                                 represent the Congress before the expanding
                                                                 Indian middle class. He’s what the Congress
                    CADEMICS AND MEDIA PUNDITS IN LUCKNOW, THE ad-  needs but, alas, won’t get.”
                    ministrative capital of Uttar Pradesh — India’s   Varghese K. George, journalist, on the impending
             Amost populous (215 million) state — which is an    contest between Shashi Tharoor and M. Kharge for
             also-ran on all socio-economic development indices, are   the post of Congress party president (The Hindu,
             pleasantly surprised by a spurt of positive activity in the   October 2)
             education sector.
                With children having enthusiastically returned to   “But perhaps the Left’s fortunes are changing.
             classes after the prolonged lockdown of education in-  Certainly, it’s holding its ground. With young
             stitutions because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the state’s   blood coursing through its veins, another red
             1.3 lakh government schools recorded their highest   eruption may well be brewing.”
             enrolment of 19 million in the new academic year 2022-  Romita Datta, journalist, on the resurgence of the Left
             23 which started in April. Moreover, 1,780 government   parties in West Bengal (India Today, October 3)
             schools in 890 blocks have been identified for upgrada-
             tion under the Centrally-sponsored PM-SHRI (Prime

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