Page 27 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 27
Minister’s Schools for Rising India) Council (NAAC) — the first higher India’s most populous — and argu-
programme. education institution in UP to be ably backward state, ranked #17
The state’s BJP government awarded NAAC’s highest grading. among major states on Niti Aayog’s
headed by saffron clad monk Yogi “There’s been a welcome spurt Education Index — are discerning
Adityanath which swept the legisla- of activity in UP’s education sector. fresh buds of hope in UP’s mori-
tive assembly election of 2019, has From new universities to e-learning bund education scene, some remain
also promoted 280 new higher- parks, proposals to establish educa- cautious. “A large number of these
secondary aka junior colleges, “to tional townships, sharp rise in pri- initiatives seem promising. However,
spread the ray of education in every mary school enrolments — there is a education is not high a priority for
corner of the state”. Simultane- lot of action in this space,” confirms any political party. Nevertheless,
ously a drive to introduce digitally- D r. D h ire n dra K u m a r, former the new National Education Policy
enabled learning has been initiated principal of Shia College of Law, (NEP) 2020 is an excellent education
statewide. Lucknow. development blueprint, if faithfully
In higher education as well, there P rof . S . K . S w a i , who heads implemented. Let’s wait and watch,”
is some traction. Three new govern- the faculty of education at the high says r. M oh a m m a d P a rv e z , pro-
ment universities and 78 new gov- ranked Banaras Hindu University, is fessor of education, Aligarh Muslim
ernment degree colleges are being also impressed. “Yes, the state gov- University.
constructed statewide. The govern- ernment is taking human resource Close monitoring of the state
ment is also readying 119 e-learning development and education seriously. government’s initiatives is necessary.
parks, where bottom-of-pyramid If properly implemented, these initia- Because given this Hindi heartland’s
children will get access to reliable tives will give a huge boost to socio- territorial size, massive population
internet and digital course content. economic development in India’s and huge representation in Parlia-
And recently, Lucknow University most populous state,” says Swain. ment, if Uttar Pradesh succeeds,
was awarded the A+ grade of the Na- Although a rising number of India succeeds. And vic e versa.
tional Assessment and Accreditation hitherto skeptical academics in Nishant Saxena (Lucknow)
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