Page 28 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 28

Education Notes

                                      can’t leave children to the   said Ratan Lal Nath, the   Sciences and Technology,
             Demolition order         mercy of barbarians,” said   state’s education minister.   announced admission of
                                      Chouhan.                 Of the five colleges, three   foreign students into the
             DEHRADUN, SEPTEMBER 15.    The chief minister     will be promoted by the   university’s undergrad
             School education minister   directed the officials to   state government and two   postgraduate programmes
             Dhan Singh Rawat ordered   ensure police verification   including a law college will   and short skill courses.
             demolition of all dilapidat-  of employees and organise   be promoted privately. As   “It’s the varsity’s mis-
             ed school buildings in the   workshops to train staff as   a result the total number of   sion to make Kashmir an
             state, a day after the ceiling   well as make parents and   undergrad colleges in the   education hub and not
             of a toilet in a government   children aware of the pro-  state will rise to 22.  only to build capacity
             primary school in Cham-  visions of the Protection of   “Tripura Central Uni-  to attract students, but
             pawat district collapsed,   Children from Sexual Of-  versity has already granted   also send our students
             killing an eight-year-old   fences (POCSO) Act, 2012.  affiliation to all these de-  to premier institutions
             student and injuring three                        gree colleges including the   overseas. Kashmir offers
             others.                    MIZORAM                two private colleges,” said   adventure and agri-eco
                Addressing a press con-  New campus impasse    the minister, addressing a   tourism as well as winter
             ference, the minister said                        media conference.       sports activities which
             a district-wise survey will   AIZAWL, SEPTEMBER 16. Chief                 will attract students from
             be conducted to identify all   minister Zoramthanga    BIHAR              around the world,” said the
             dangerous school buildings   briefed Union education   No-bags day        vice chancellor, addressing
             and they will be demol-  minister Dharmendra                              the media
             ished.                   Pradhan and apprised him   PATNA, SEPTEMBER 18. In
                “The school manage-   of the need to improve   line with the National    JHARKHAND
             ment is to blame for this   education standards and   Education Policy (NEP)   New APU campus
             incident as instructions   establish additional higher   2020, the state govern-
             to evacuate dilapidated   education institutions in   ment is all set to introduce   RANCHI, SEPTEMBER 24. A
             school buildings are issued   the state. According to a   a ‘no school bags’ order   partnership agreement was
             from time to time,” added   state government commu-  and a mandatory weekly   signed by the Jharkhand
             Bansidhar Tiwari, director,   nique, the chief minister   games period in public and   state government and
             school education.        especially sought the    private schools. An official   Azim Premji Foundation
                                      Centre’s help to establish   notification will be issued   (APF) to establish a Azim
               MADHYA PRADESH         a new campus of Mizoram   soon, said Dipak Kumar   Premji University (APU)
             Molestation outrage      University (MZU) in south   Singh, additional chief   campus in Ranchi. The
                                      Mizoram’s Lunglei town.  secretary in the education   memorandum of under-
             BHOPAL, SEPTEMBER 15.      Earlier state higher and   ministry.           standing was signed by
             Sexual molestation of a   technical education min-  Addressing a press con-  Jharkhand chief minister
             three-year-old child inside   ister Dr. R. Lalthangliana   ference, Singh said: “The   Hemant Soren and APF
             a school bus in Bhopal   informed the legislative   weekly ‘no-bag day’ will   chairman Azim Premji
             has shaken the confidence   assembly that the state   have task-based practi-  in a video-conferenced
             of the people, said chief   government is ineligible to   cal classes. At least once a   ceremony.
             minister Shivraj Singh   finance the construction of   week, students will come   The new campus will be
             Chouhan following an     MZU’s southern campus    to schools only with their   in the city’s Itki area, and
             emergency meeting of     because it is a Central   lunch boxes. The day will   is likely to admit its first
             the cabinet. He directed   government-funded uni-  be devoted to practical and   batch in July 2024.
             officials to take stringent   versity.            experiential learning.”    “I believe the APU
             action against the accused                                                campus will raise stan-
             and management of the      TRIPURA                 JAMMU & KASHMIR        dards of higher education
             private school.          Five new colleges        Ambitious programme     in the state. Now meritori-
                “Parents send their                                                    ous students won’t have to
             children to a selected   AGARTALA, SEPTEMBER 16.   SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 19.   migrate to other states for
             school because they have   Five new undergrad     Under an unprecedented   higher education,” said the
             faith in the institution.   colleges including an   initiative, K. Nazeer Ah-  chief minister, speaking on
             It is the duty of school   English-medium college   mad Ganai, vice chancel-  the occasion.
             managements to ensure    will be inaugurated in   lor of Sher-e-Kashmir         Paromita Sengupta with
             this trust is not broken. We   the new academic year,   University of Agricultural     bureau inputs

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