Page 9 - Neerja Birla
P. 9
ABET Snapshot
Estb. 2008
Institutions: 4
Students: 836
Faculty: 187
Major Institutions
Aditya Birla World Academy (estb. 2008)
The Aditya Birla Integrated School (2014)
Mpower (2016)
The Aditya Birla Education Academy (2018)
A full-time educationist, Neerja Birla has been conferred
several awards for her efforts to raise teaching-learning
standards in K-12 education and championing the cause
of mental healthcare for all. Among them:
The Icon of Excellence Award, The Hall of Fame Award,
FICCI-FLO (2015). Hello magazine (2017).
DEVI Award of New Indian The Economic Times Mental
Express for “stamping out the Health Congress Award for
stigma around mental illness outstanding contribution to
in India” (2017). mental health (2019).
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