Page 13 - Nooraine Fazal
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Inventure Academy graduates           Inventure was conferred the           The school is a member              The Inventure Academy
                 are routinely admitted into the       ‘Most Innovative Practice 2018’       of Round Square, a select           Model United Nations
                 world’s top-ranked universities       award for its Changemaker             society of 200 schools              (MUN) Team was awarded
                 including Stanford, California        Program and ‘Most Innovative          worldwide, which facilitates        the ‘Best Delegation 2018’
                 (Berkeley), Pennsylvania, Brown,      Idea 2019’ award for its              global student and faculty          and ‘Outstanding Delegate
                 Harvard, Carnegie Mellon (USA),       Empathy Program by Tata               exchange programmes.                2017 & 2019’ at WEMUN in
                 Cambridge University (UK) and         Communications and Parikrma                                               Beijing, China.
                 National Law University, JIPMER,      Humanity Foundation
                 Pondicherry  and Ashoka Univer-       respectively.
                 sity (India).

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