Page 12 - Nooraine Fazal
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ABOVE  Inventure Academy’s Youth Parliament was conceptualised to equip children with the
              Right to Participate (guaranteed by Article 12 of the United Nations Child Rights Convention,
              1989) in the world that they will inherit and to enable them to transform into positive
              changemakers. The conference, staged annually, exposes students to how laws and policies
              are formulated through interplay between several stakeholders, including international
              organisations such as the United Nations.

              Institutional Milestones

                   Inventure Academy is               The school has produced 34       Inventure Academy is ranked          80-plus students have represented
                   included in Fortune India          Cambridge (IGCSE & AS/A          among the Top 10 schools in every    clubs/state/country in a range
                   magazine’s ‘Future 50              Level) World and All-India       subject (English, math, sciences,    of sports, including Saloni Dalal
                   Schools Shaping Educa-             toppers during the past six      social studies) in the ASSET exam    who broke two national records in
                   tion in India 2018 & 2019’.        years, and one #2 (national)     conducted by the Ahmedabad-          the 50m and 100m breaststroke
                                                      ranked student in the annual     based Educational Initiatives which   swimming (2018).  Student teams
                                                      class X ICSE exam.               has certified the school as a Hub for   have won several inter-school
                                                                                       Gifted Students.                     tournaments, including the Parikrma
                                                                                                                            Champions League Football national
                                                                                                                            tournament 2018.

              94  |  21 Leaders Transforming Indian Education
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