Page 3 - EducationWorld August 2022
P. 3
Let them
Let your future world-class sportsperson pursue
their calling with a school that supports their passion.
Research shows that 72% of the youth drops out of a sport they are pursuing because
of academic commitments. On the other end of the spectrum world renowned
sports-stars have shared how they had to drop out of school, “to save both, the money
and time to pursue my passion”
But why should pursuing a life of Sports be equated to having to compromise on
quality education? Is it really fair to ask our future sportspersons to compromise on
one for the other?
Sport Academy Students across Global exposure &
With 21K School, you don’t have to compr
With 21K School, you don’t have to compomise! India’s premier online school brings Waivers on all ages & grades can recognized
just 3 hours of schooling a day, which means there’s plenty of time for training; and fees for students benefit from the accreditations for 3
the flexible as well as recorded class-rooms mean tournament days don’t mean a loss enrolled through flexible online-only curriculums to ensure
of learning. the “Let them learning model. a sound academic
Play” program foundation
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