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                   SOMBRE GOLDEN                                                             EDUCATION NEWS
                  JUBILEE OF INDIA'S                                                               Delhi: Newly
              PIONEER COMMUNITY                                                           emergent election issue
                           COLLEGE                                                           Spreading tentacles

                   Fifty years after its                                                     Karnataka: Position
                     initiatives in rural                                                           papers row
                      education have
                transformed the lives of                                                       Uttar Pradesh: No
               millions in the neglected                                                           great shakes
                out-backs of hinterland
               India, the overwhelming                                                            West Bengal:
                majority of citizens are                                                       Shame & scandal
                unaware of this unique

                                              38      75TH INDEPENDENCE DAY

                                                      21st century India has to do much more to
                                                      realise the dreams of leaders of our freedom
                                                      movement. Strengthening Indian pluralism,
                                                      maintaining unity in diversity, remains India's
                                                      biggest challenge on Independence Day—
             66                                       SANJAYA BARU

             REPAIRING CUET COLLATERAL                                        INTERNATIONAL NEWS
             DAMAGE                                              United States: Affirmative action ban fear  60

             Mandated without adequate debate                     China: Foreign students returning slowly
                                                                         Chile: Key reform on knife edge
             and preparation in the trademark
             style of the BJP/NDA government,                         Global: Learning outcomes neglect
             the inaugural Common University
             Entrance Test (CUET) 2022 —
             promulgated as the sole exam for                                 IN THIS ISSUE
             admission into undergraduate             56
             programmes of the country’s 45                    Editorial           12  Expert Comment     38
             Central universities — has made a
             disastrous debut                        PEOPLE                            Cover Story        40
                                             Purnachandra Rao  Mailbox             14
                                               Karun Tadepalli
             30                               Sushma Pathare   Education  News     16  People             56

             SUCHITRA ACADEMY                                  Education  Notes    26  International News   60
             HYDERABAD                                         Education Briefs    28  Special Report     66

             Arguably India's most                                                     Books              78
             successful holistic learning                      Institution Profile   30
             school, SA has acquired
             a national reputation for                         Young Achievers     36  Postscript         80
             blending academics, sports
             and co-curricular education

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