Page 353 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 353
Chapter 11: Introducing Modifiers and Using the Modifier Stack
the X-axis are also selected. This feature makes selecting an entire line of control points easier. The All Y
and All Z buttons work in a similar manner in the other dimensions.
Use the Reset button to return the volume to its original shape if you make a mistake. The Conform to
Shape button sets the offset of the Control Points with Inside Points, Outside Points, and Offset options.
To move the control points, select the Control Points subobject. This enables you to alter the control points
FFD (Box/Cyl) modifiers
The FFD (Box) and FFD (Cyl) modifiers can create a box-shaped or cylinder-shaped lattice of control points
for deforming objects. The Set Number of Points button enables you to specify the number of points to be
included in the FFD lattice. Figure 11.28 shows how you can use the FFD modifier to distort the hammer
by selecting the Control Point’s subobjects. The left hammer is distorted using a 2 × 2 × 2 FFD, the middle
hammer has a 4 × 4 × 4 FFD, and the right hammer is surrounded with an FFD (Cyl) modifier.
FIGURE 11.28
The FFD modifier changes the shape of an object by moving the lattice of Control Points that surround it.
The FFD (Box) and FFD (Cyl) lattices are also available as Space Warps. To learn more about Space Warps, see
Chapter 42, “Using Space Warps.” n
Tutorial: Modeling a tire striking a curb
The FFD modifiers are great for changing the shape of a soft-body object being struck by a solid object.
Soft-body objects deform around the rigid object when they make contact. In this tutorial, you deform a tire
hitting a curb.
To deform a tire striking a curb using an FFD modifier, follow these steps:
1. Open the Tire hitting a curb.max file from the Chap 11 directory on the DVD.
This file includes a simple tube object and a curb.
2. With the tire selected, choose the Modifiers ➪ Free Form Deformers ➪ FFD Cyl menu option.
A cylinder gizmo appears around the tire.
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