Page 45 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 45

                                                                                TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY

          Bouncing back                                                     versatile, mouthwatering menus at an

                                                                            affordable price.

          to Business –                                                     According to Nthobatsang, there is a
                                                                            lot of uncertainty in terms of recovery
                                                                            of the hospitality and tourism sector,
                                                                            with strict travel and crowd control
          Staywell Hotels                                                   restrictions the sector is left in limbo on
                                                                            how to proceed. The limitation of social
                                                                            distancing as well as limited number
                                                                            of people  attending conferences and
                                                                            events puts a strain on the sector, as less
                                                                            numbers mean less business.

                ike most businesses in the                                  “The propensity of people to book a room
                Botswana tourism and                                        for leisure has decreased, as I believe
                hospitality sector, Staywell                                people would now prefer to be at home
         LHotels has been hard hit due                                      to flatten the curve. The escalating prices
          to COVID-19 pandemic. As Botswana                                 of electricity is also eating away our profit
          went under lockdown, the hotel had to                             margins, and for us to accommodate
          also stop usual operation but opted to                            guest we can’t only heat water for that
          offer quarantine site to stay afloat. Now                         one guest or keep their lights on alone.
          that the hotel is back in business, it has                        So, it actually costs more to serve people
          to ensure that all health regulations and                         when our occupancies are low. This
          protocols  are  in  place.  Staywell  Hotels                      pandemic has changed a lot for us both as
          has over the years expanded from a six                            a business and on our employees as well,
          bedroomed guest house to a fully serviced                         so we are sensitive to how employees will
          Hotel with 30 rooms and 120 seating   using their facilities more. Nthobatsang   discharge their duties under emotional
          conference facility. The hotel is graded 3   also suggested that there  should be   stress  caused  by  this  mishap,  therefore
          star by Botswana Tourism Organisation.  reduction or freezing of the  bed levy   we  are  talking  to  different  counselors
                                           and using the  bed levy for wage  relief   so that we can afford our employees an
          Staywell Hotels Operations Director,   or subsidy in the hospitality sector. To   opportunity to release any tension and
          Lesedi Nthobatsang said, “In our   add on, there should be presence of   help them cope with the disruptions,”
          hotel, we ensure that surfaces are   the Minister of Environment, Natural   explained Nthobatsang.
          sanitized after every two hours and   Resources, Conservation and Tourism
          we  have  installed two wash basins at   as well as relevant personnel in updating   Transitioning Staywell Hotels towards
          each entrance for patrons to wash their   the  sector so as better understand the   success in the ‘new normal’ is a challenge
          hands.  Further  to  that,  we  offer  our   challenges at hand.  as well but it will happen through the
          patrons sanitizer from time to time,                              introduction of the Digital software
          request that masks be worn all the time   Since the world has been disrupted by   which will be used on all booking
          and ensure that social distancing is   COVID-19,  Staywell  Hotels  financial   systems so that customers can check
          always adhered to.”              performance was not spared from the   in and out at the comfort of their
                                           crisis. “There is a saying that ‘Cash Is   cellphones. Payments will be done online
          Nthobatsang further explained that they   King’, we found ourselves having cash   and ordering of food and drinks from
          offer  more  personalised  service  with  a   tied  up  in our debtors’  book  and  not   the restaurant will also be done through
          lot of care to minimise any possibilities   being  able to discharge our obligations   the application. This will reduce the
          of spread of the virus. In addition, the   to creditors, and our work force as well.   movement to service areas as customers
          hotel gives clients assurance that good   The wage subsidy really came in handy   will be given personalised service and be
          practice  hygienic measures are  put   because we were able to top up what we   assured safety at the same time.
          in place. “We had some of our clients   had so that we can be able to pay salaries.
          inspect our facilities to have assurance   Going forward there is a lot of uncertainty   In conclusion, Nthobatsang  said,  “We
          that they can continue  to do business   around whether the business will perform   will continue to support Government
          with us. In these  times it calls for us   as before, occupancy wise, so it’s a game   and  the  public  by  offering  affordable
          to be transparent for our client’s peace   of wait and see,” explained Nthobatsang.   accommodation and conference rates
          of  mind,  and  we  offer  them  just  that,”                     as well as making sure the  Hotel is
          added Nthobatsang.               Despite the  challenges,  Staywell  Hotels   Covid-19 compliant by observing all
                                           has  innovatively  introduced  food  health protocols and giving correct
          During these challenging times, Staywell   deliveries from its restaurant. Even   information to guests checking in and
          Hotels suggests that government can   though it is a competitive space right now,   out of the Hotel. We will on a day- to-
          help the hospitality sector by supporting   the hotel’s uptake is really promising.   day basis offer counselling to our staff so
          local non- franchise enterprises through   Therefore, the hotel is working on having   that they ease into the new normal.”
                                                                                Noble Magazine   //  July - August 2020  45
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