Page 41 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020
P. 41


         Reviving Botswana’s Tourism

         Industry after COVID-19

         Countries which depend on tourism as a major revenue source have
         been struggling in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

          The sun sets over the Okavango Delta, Botswana, April 25, 2018. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

                 he   Botswana   tourism  far reaching within the tourism sector.   imposing entry bans, especially for
                 sector cannot avoid the   This is worrisome considering that the   citizens of or recent travellers to the
                 threats  posed  by  the  sector is the second largest revenue   most affected areas. According to a snap
         Tcurrent coronavirus disease     earner in the country. Dependence   survey  conducted by the Botswanan
         (COVID-19). Considering that tourism   on the international market has made   Local Enterprise Authority (LEA)
         relies on physical interaction between   the  sector  vulnerable  to  the  effects   covering 382 SMMEs, the tourism
         people, it does not come as a surprise   of the disease outbreak, as the main   sector  suffered  a  72  percent  revenue
         that the sector has borne the brunt   countries from which tourists come   loss in March 2020. Furthermore, of
         of the global  pandemic.  On May   were among the most affected by the   the 382 SMMEs surveyed, 209 had
         2020, the    United  Nations  World   global pandemic.            loans and the tourism sector accounted
         Tourism   Organisation  (UNWTO)                                   for 61 percent of the loan balance. This
         anticipated a 58 to 78 percent decline   Of  the  1.8  million  tourist  arrivals   paints a bleak future for the companies
         in tourist arrivals. UNWTO further   recorded in 2017 in Botswana, 84   should they not prove resilient enough
         observed that  Small, Medium and   percent were from Africa while the   to bounce back from COVID-19.
         Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) will be   remaining 16 percent were from
         particularly impacted. The SMMEs   countries such as the United States,   Specifically, the industry has suffered a
         make up around  80 percent  of the   Germany and the UK. However,   loss of revenue and a failure to service
         tourism sector globally. In southern   revenues from overseas far outweigh   bank  loans,  finance  operational  costs
         Africa, the sector has  seen a dip  in   those from the African continent due   such as wages and rent payments,
         website  traffic  and  business  on   to the country’s high value/low impact   and a loss of opportunities aimed
         airlines, travel agents, hotels, and   tourism strategy—with the goal of   at  community  development.  It  is
         tourist destinations.            minimizing environmental impacts   therefore evident that the underlying
                                          and at the same time maximizing   driver of these problems is loss of
         Botswana  recorded  its  first  three   socio-economic benefits.   income by the travel and tourism
         confirmed cases of COVID-19 on March                              operators.
         30, 2020. As of June 22, there have   Due to the fact that travel and
         been eighty nine confirmed cases. Even   tourism  go  hand  in  hand,  the  sector   The SMMEs are mostly hard hit
         though the disease spread in Botswana   started feeling the pinch as soon as   because their working capital is largely
         is low compared to other countries,   international travel restrictions began
         the economic repercussions have been   and countries around the globe started   Continues in Page 42

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