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               TERRORISM                                      because it was true.” Naik argues that scientific
               Naik’s views and statements on terrorism have   theories were prophesised by the Quran. For ex-
               at times been criticised in the media. Speaking   ample, he has stated in 2010 that certain verses
               of Osama bin Laden, Naik stated in a YouTube   of the Quran accurately describe embryological
               video that he would not criticise bin Laden be-  development.
               cause he had not met him and did not know him
               personally.                                    APOSTASY
                                                              Naik has said that Muslims who convert from
               He added that, “If bin Laden is fighting enemies   Islam should not necessarily receive death
               of Islam, I am for him,” and that “if he is terror-  sentences, but that under Islamic rule those who
               izing America – the terrorist, biggest terrorist – I   leave Islam and then “propagate the non-Islamic
               am with him. Every Muslim should be a terrorist.   faith and speak against Islam” should be put to
               The thing is that if he is terrorizing the terrorist,   death. Another source states that according to
               he is following Islam. Whether he is or not, I don’t   Naik, “there is no death penalty for apostates in
               know, but you as Muslims know that, without    Islam, until the apostate starts to preach his new
               checking up, laying allegations is also wrong.”   religion; then he can be put to death.”
               When Time hinted that this remark could have
               inspired Najibullah Zazi’s terrorist activities, Naik   BIOGRAPHY DR. ZAKIR NAIK
               insisted: “I have always condemned terrorism
               because, according to the glorious Koran, if you
               kill one innocent person, then you have killed the   BORN
                                                                18 October 1965 (age 50) Mumbai,
               whole of humanity”.
                                                                Maharashtra, India
               In 2010, Naik said that he had been quoted out of   RESIDENCE
               context regarding the remarks on terrorism. “As   Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
               far as terrorist is concerned”, he said, “I tell the
               Muslims that every Muslim should be a terrorist....   EDUCATION
               What is the meaning of the word terrorist? Terror-  MBBS,
               ist by definition means a person who terrorises.
               So in this context every Muslim should be a ter-  ALMA MATER
               rorist to each and every anti-social element. I’m   Kishinchand Chellaram College
               aware that terrorist is more commonly used for a   Topiwala National Medical College & BYL
               person who terrorises innocent human beings. So   Nair Charitable Hospital University of
               in this context no Muslim should ever terrorise a   Mumbai
               single innocent human being.”
               In a lecture delivered on 31 July 2008 on Peace   President of Islamic Research Foundation,
               TV, Naik commented on the attacks of 11 Sep-     public speaker
               tember: “it is a blatant, open secret that this
               attack on the Twin Towers was done by George     YEARS ACTIVE
               Bush himself”.                                   1991–present

                                                                KNOWN FOR
               He has also attracted much publicity for declaring   Dawah
               that “even a fool will know” that the 9/11 attacks   Founder of Peace TV, Peace TV Bangla, and
               were “an inside job” orchestrated by US President   Peace TV Urdu
               George W. Bush. Naik has won several awards
               for his preaching, including the 2015 King Faisal   BOARD MEMBER OF
               International Prize for Service to Islam, but his ex-  Islamic Research Foundation
               pressed opinions on 9/11 have been denounced
               by the United States and he has been denied      SPOUSE(S)
                                                                Farhat Naik
               entry into the United Kingdom and Canada for
               speaking engagements.                            AWARDS
                                                                King Faisal International Prize for Service to
               BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION                             Islam, 2015.
               Naik has said that the theory of evolution is “only
               a hypothesis, and an unproven conjecture at      WEBSITE
               best”. According to Naik, most scientists “support
               the theory, because it went against the Bible – not

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