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30 - Antique Shoppe -
                     ANTIQUES CLASSIFIEDS                                          A     Asheford            Would You Like To Be An

                   JOIN OUR TEAM                  DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE        P    Institute of   Antique Appraiser or Dealer?
             WE ARE LOOKING FOR KEY PEOPLE      ABOUT ANTIQUES, ART, COLLECTIBLES!   P   Antiques      Since 1966, The Asheford Institute of Antiques has been providing a Profit and
        to represent our print publications in Florida.   Interested in PLACES to go, SHOWS to   R     Pleasure home study course that offers tremendous financial & personal rewards.
          Set you own schedule, Work from home.   attend? SIGN-UP FOR OUR SEMI-MONTHLY                       CERTIFIED APPRAISAL PROGRAM
          Call on local antique shops in your area.   FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER.       A    You Can:                                For a FREE booklet mail coupon to:
        Opportunities available throughout the state.   Email:  I   • Become a Certified Appraiser                ASHEFORD
             ANTIQUE SHOPPE NEWSPAPER                 or call 352-475-1679              • Start your own business from your home
          PO Box 2175, Keystone Heights, FL 32656   MOVIE POSTERS WANTED           S C  • Learn to sell & appraise online       INSTITUTE OF ANTIQUE
         352-475-1679                                       • Choose the hours you wish to work       981 Harbor Blvd., Ste. 3
                                                  Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Displays,   A  • Become an “antique interior designer”    Dept. Dept. 275WQ170
                   THE KNIFE MAN                         Glass Slides.               O  • Complete a professional-level Course with a Diploma  Destin, FL 32541-2525
          Come see me for ALL of your knife needs.     Dwight Cleveland            L  U               ASK HOW ... HERE!           or call: 1-877-444-4508
        Case, Winchester, Shrade, Kutmaster & More.   PO Box 10922, Chicago, IL 60610    NAME  _______________________________________________________________
        5 min. from I-75 @ Newberry Rd., Gainesville  PH: 773-525-9152        FAX: 773-525-2969       R
           Call for Appointment     352-331-5334             S   ADDRESS  ___________________________________________________________
                                                                                         CITY  ______________________STATE ______________ ZIP __________________
                 ANTIQUE RESEARCHER                                                  E
                   SEEKS P/T WORK                                                                
         researching and placing your items on eBay,
              and other e-commerce sites.
             Contact Richard @ 727-490-8135
                  PICTURE FRAMES                    •· SCOTT ANTIQUE MARKETS
                 ANTIQUE & VINTAGE
          Joseph Lehn Framing Studio/Warehouse
             1508 51st S., Gulfport, FL 33707                                 )Zlmerica 's Pavorite Treasure ¾unts!
          By Appointment Only  Ph: 410-336-6741
                  OVER 2000 FRAMES
                                                                                                      2ND WEEKEND
                     FOR SALE                                                                                                     of Every Month
         Southeast Volusia County’s & New Smyrna’s                                                                                   in Atlanta!
          Largest Antique & Home Decorator Mall.                                                                                   3,500 Booths!
        5 years in this location. Usually 26-32 dealers.
               Busy US 1 Shopping Plaza.
             Selling for age & health reasons.
           Contact Robert Dewar 386-428-3331
                ANNE SMITH ANTIQUES
             American Paintings: 1880–1960
                & General Line Antiques
             Located at: PRIVATE ART GALLERY
          2321 Premier Drive – Gulfport, FL 33707
        By appt. only: 727-202-7342 or 410-340-0277
               Also: Park Street Antiques Mall     Atlanta Expo centers                                    Ohio Expo centers
          9401 Bay Pines Blvd. St. Petersburg, Open Daily
                    ESTATE SALES                               Atlanta, GA                                        Columbus, on
                 LOLLY’S ESTATES R US
              Furniture   Jewelry   Collectibles
             Lolly Lopinski, Realtor/Estate Seller      3,500 P.:K./ii6it <Boot/is                             800 - 1,200 <Boot/is
           941-625-2006-Shop       941-628-0941-Cell
            Weekdays 10:30-5:30, Saturday 11-3
          2715 Tamiami Trl, Port Charlotte, FL  33952           2020 Shows                                            2020 Shows
                 APPRAISALS WANTED                               JUN 11 - 14                                           NOV 28- 29
          Free Appraisal of Civil War items by noted              JUL 9 -  12                                         DEC  19 -20
        appraiser John Sexton. Send photos & info to:             AUG 6 - 9
  Your personal
           information will be kept confidential.                SEP 10 -  13                             ANTIQUES  &  DESIGNER ITEMS
                    GOT STUFF?                                    OCT 8 -  11
          YOUR CLUTTER CONCIERGE DOROTHEA                       NOV  12 -  15                                   @090
            Affordable Quick Accurate Certified
                 Values you can trust.                           DEC  10 - 13
                                                                                                                    7 40.569.2800
                    FLEA MARKET
          Brooksville Airport Farmers & Flea Market
          17375 Spring Hill Dr. Brooksville, FL 34604
                 Saturdays & Sundays
              from 8am-3pm Rain or Shine!
         Monthly or Daily Vendor Spaces Available.
            Over 400 Vendors offering Antiques,
          Collectibles, Jewelry, Silver, Handcrafted
                   items and More!
                     WANTED                                For more information,  visit us at:
           Old Firecrackers Wanted: Packs, Labels,                Scott Antique Markets P .0. Box 60,  Bremen, OH  43107
             Catalogs. Call Rick 773-332-0987                         
              or email
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