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May 2020 - Antique Shoppe - 25
                                                                                        One of the World’s Largest Movie Poster Collections
                                                                                          Showcased in New Book Published by Assouline

                                                                                            Cinema on Paper Marks First Ever Publication Focused on
                                                                                     The Dwight M. Cleveland Collection, Comprising More Than 4,750 Works
                                                                                    (Chicago, IL) Assouline Publishing has released
                                                                                  a new book that highlights one of the largest and
        Beautiful “Sweetheart”                                                    most comprehensive movie poster collections ever
        glass rolling pin (from                                                   privately assembled. Cinema on Paper: The Graphic
        Nailsea, England) that                                                    Genius of Movie Posters marks the first time that
        is 16 inches long and                                                     the collection of Dwight M. Cleveland—widely
        was offered on eBay                                                       recognized as one of the world’s most significant
        for $330.
                                 Hollow glass pin with no openings that would have   private holdings of movie posters, spanning more
                                        been refrigerated prior to using.         than a century of film history—has ever been the
           Some of the most popular rolling pins to collect are the pottery       focus of a major monographic book publication.
                                                                                    A real estate developer and historic preservationist based in Chicago, Dwight
        rolling pins, made out of stoneware, yellowware, or other ceramic         Cleveland has been collecting movie posters for more than forty years—during
        material. These were all hollow cylinders. Some of the older ones         which he assembled what is believed to be the largest privately held and fully
        have  two turned  wooden handles.  One handle  could  be inserted         curated film poster archive in history, comprising more than 45,000 works. After
                                                                                  deaccessioning this archive in 2016, Cleveland now retains personal holdings of
        through the body of the rolling pin and screwed into the handle on        approximately 4,750 posters, lobby cards, and “coming attraction” glass slides, the
        the opposite side. This allowed the pin to turn freely when rolling       vast majority of which are unique or one of just a few works from across the scope
        dough. During the early 20th century, many of the ceramic rolling                                    of film history. The publication of Cinema on Paper
        pins had  molded  ceramic  handles,  which  actually  made  rolling                                  offers an unprecedented look at some of the most
                                                                                                             visually engaging and historically significant works
        dough more difficult since they could not freely spin.                                               from these holdings, providing an opportunity
           All  pottery  rolling  pins  were  fired  with  glaze  to  make  them                             to reconsider these promotional objects as a
        non-absorbent. And,  during the late 19th century and early 20th                                     popular art form unto themselves—one that
                                                                                                             distinctively tracks the cultural, historical, and artistic
        century, many of the ceramic rolling pins were used as premiums                                      developments of the twentieth century.
        for advertising, with the advertising message fired directly under                                     The first book ever released by Assouline to
        the  glaze.  Flourmills  were  usually  the  advertisers;  however,  for                             focus on film posters, Cinema on Paper includes
                                                                                                             a foreword by Turner Classic Movies Primetime
        some bizarre reason, advertising rolling pins were also popular with                                 Host Ben Mankiewicz (grandson of Citizen Kane
        undertakers. If you want a somewhat macabre rolling pin collection,                                  screenwriter Joseph Mankiewicz), as well as an
        try collecting only those pins that advertised funeral homes. These                                  introduction by former New York Times Book Review
        pins often cost $650 or more on secondary markets.                                                   Editor and noted design scholar Steven Heller.
                                                                                                             Mankiewicz’s essay notes that “movie posters
           As humble as the rolling pin is, it has always been a staple in                                   represent what is perhaps the purest collision of art
        the kitchen. Today, it has also become a staple among collectors,         and commerce … they are imbued with optimism and filled with the escapist thrill
        especially those specializing in Americana or kitchen collectibles.       of what we imagine the screen holds in store for us: romance, adventure, laughter,
                                                                                  betrayal, tragedy, justice, redemption, truth.”
        Still,  some collections  have  grown from a family’s continued             The publication reproduces more than one hundred works from Cleveland’s
        usage of grandma’s old rolling pin. Whatever the reason for your          collection, including promotions for such iconic Hollywood classics as King Kong,
        collection, it is easy to see that the humble rolling pin is as American   Casablanca, The Godfather, and 2001: A Space Odyssey, as well as more obscure
                                                                                  works such as the 1958 teen exploitation film High School Hellcats. Several of the
        as Mom and apple pie, for, without the rolling pin, Mom couldn’t          American movie posters featured in the book appear alongside European or Asian
        make the pie!                                                             editions advertising the same film, highlighting the collection’s geographic breadth
                                                                                  and inviting readers to reflect on diverse visual approaches to movie marketing across
                                                                                  cultural contexts. As mass-produced objects of popular art drawn from nearly every
                                                                                  decade of the twentieth century, each poster in the collection provides a distinctive
                                                                                  snapshot of the historical and social conditions from which it originated.
                                                                                    The works featured in Cinema on Paper encompass nearly one hundred years of film
                                                                                  distribution, from posters featured in 1910s Paris through the release of the American
                                                                                  independent film Secretary in 2002. The book includes several works that are believed
                                                                                  to  be  the  only  extant  copies  in  existence,  including  a  large-scale  German-language
                                                                                  advertisement for the Oscar-winning film Grand Hotel (1932); a title card from the late
                         Decorative, green and brown clear glass rolling pin.     silent-era classic Manhattan Cocktail (1928), directed by Dorothy Arzner; a lobby card
                                                                                  from Hallelujah! (1929), the first African American film released by a major studio; and
                                                                                  a lobby-card portrait of a reclining Nazimova from Oscar Wilde’s scandalous Salomé
                                                                                  (1922), which was made by an exclusively gay and lesbian cast and crew. These images
                                                                                  are accompanied by contextual annotations that invite readers to evaluate them not as
                                                                                  promotional objects but as freestanding works of graphic art.

                            Rubberized plastic rolling pin with red tips.

                    Ornate rolling pin used to decoratively emboss German cookies.
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