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March, 2020 The Antique Shoppe Page 21
New dealer in booth 56 Among our treasure trove
features notecards, of millions of items, you
Great Antique
Monarch Ice Box prints & originals. may find that special item
you’ve been looking for
Sugar Bear Antiques
TradiTions Jacksonville
anTique Mall 904-886-0393 Waldo Antique
Wildwood Village
Waldo 352-468-3111
Mid Century Modern Coffee Table Come by and see our large selection of Russian Ruby, Emerald, and
$365.00 original Highwaymen paintings. Rose Gold enamel perfume bottle. Come by and see more
Zula’s Antiques ANTIQUE EMPORIUM Vintage Marketplace
Terra Ceia Reddick FEED STORE Zephyrhills
941-729-9500 352-591-1221 Ellenton 813-355-3457
In an effort to assist our advertisers in offering their merchandise to our readers / buyers. The Antique Shoppe introduces Shop Shots. It is the responsibility of each advertiser to provide
their own photos and information regarding each unit displayed. Any questions regarding merchandise shown should be directed to the advertiser shown. It is our effort to provide accurate
information for the merchandise shown. Deadline to submit your Shop Shot item for sale is the 12th of each month. *Offer extended to display advertisers only.
Finders Keepers Sassy’s Treasures
of Palatka Farmhouse Americana
193 Highway 17 South
East Palatka, FL 32131 Vintage Motorcycle
904-476-1038 • 386-972-4452 Western Items
Mon–Sat 10am-5pm Glassware Vintage Pyrex
Antiques Credit Cards Accepted “15+ Dealers” Home Decor + Much More!
Collectibles Consignments One of a kind items, hand crafted & much more
OPEN Tue-Sat 10-5
Unique Items Layaway 150 W Main Street
China & Crystal Historic Downtown Lake Butler
Milk Bottle Convention Furniture & Household Items 956 SE SR 100 352-214-8068
May 1-2, 2020 • Sturbridge, MA Items for the Entire Family Keystone Heights, FL 32656 OPEN Mon-Sat: 10:00am-6pm
The 40th Annual Convention Teressa & Jim Maskell, Owners 20 2
of the NAMBC was held at the
Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, WALDO GAINESVILLE AREA DEALERS
Massachusetts. Milk bottle
enthusiasts from throughout the WALDO The PainTed Table Liquidation of Antiques
U.S. and Canada gathered to buy, ANTIQUE VILLAGE & Contents of homes
sell, trade bottles and other dairy Tastefully Recycled Since 2001
memorabilia while socializing with 17805 US 301, Waldo, FL Affordably Priced Camellia antiques
9 mi. So. of Starke, at the Traffic Light
fellow enthusiasts and collectors. OPEN DAILY Mon-Fri 10-5:30 Sat-Sun 9-5:30 Unique Pieces of Quality & Estate Sales, llc
The two-day event includes ORIGINAL DEALER RETIRED - PRIME Thornebrook Village 10006 CR 1469
exhibits, an auction, awards banquet, LOCATION BOOTHS NOW AVAILABLE 2441 NW 43rd Street, Suite 5A
an ice cream social and seminars. Voted Florida’s Best Antiques Mall Gainesville, FL 32606 EARLETON, FL
Beside the Post Office.
The National Association of 352-468-3111 OPEN: FRIDAYS & SUNDAYS
Milk Bottle Collectors (NAMBC) 24,000 SQ. FT. MALL (352) 371-1555 or By appointment/ChanCe
provides research, information and Buy • Sell • Consign Call For Your Estate Sale Needs
educational opportunities about milk MENTION THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT Serving Gainesville, Deland & Sarasota
bottles, milk bottle collecting and 352-871-0743
dairy memorabilia to its members, Farmers Market 30 28
museums and the general public. 30 Every Friday 4-7PM Camille Huie -