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Page 22      The Antique Shoppe  March, 2020
                                                                                  $3,200 (33 bids, 7 bidders): Vintage Antique 1930s Airplane Fan, Fan-O-Plane
         What’s Selling on eBay?                                                  Commercial, Industrial. In great working order, was repainted at some time; some

                                                                                  tail fins are broken, have video of it running. (Photos courtesy of eBay seller rocket66ny.)

         by Deborah Abernethy and Mike McLeod

         These examples show that eBay has quite a following in the collector market-
         place. It sometimes is an auction environment, and sometimes, it is more of a
              retail market. These examples are unusual for their collecting area.

        $3,168 (32 bids, 10 bidders):  Awesome  Old  Antique  1915-1920  Standard
        Princeton Style Leather Football Helmet. Circa 1915-1920 Standard Supplies
        Princeton-style  leather  football
        helmet. This is the first and only
        Standard Supplies football helmet
        we  have  ever  seen.  Princeton-
        style helmets were named after
        Princeton   University   where
        they were made popular. As the
        photos  show,  this  helmet  is  in                                       DBA:  The seller is the one who got the deal here. While I did not find an exact
        excellent  condition.  Only  very                                         model selling, I did find similar ones selling at auction for much less.
        light signs of use and no major
        damage.  It  is  soft  and  supple                                        $6,666 (56 bids, 14 bids): Antique Japanese Satsuma Pottery Vase with Figures
        and still very strong. The patina                                         and Gosu Blue – 19 c. Massive and superbly painted Japanese Satsuma pottery
        is 100% worn original. No dyes,                                                                                       vase  dating  to  the  19th
        colored  polishes,  or  coloring                                                                                      century,  Meiji  period.  The
        of  any  kind  used.  It  has  the                                                                                    vase  with  a  detailed  design
        original  cloth  chin  strap  firmly                                                                                  of  various  figures  around
        attached.  Includes  the  original                                                                                    the body with many holding
        chin  strap.  The  helmet  interior                                                                                   various  objects.  It  is  heavily
        of  the  is  also  in  great  shape.                                                                                  accented with raised gilt and
        The Standard Supplies Collegiate                                                                                      colorful  enamels  including
        maker’s mark is on the back right                                                                                     gosu  blue.  The  vase  stands
        of  the  helmet.  The  size  is  not                                                                                  18.5  inches  tall  and  is  in
        marked.  (Photos courtesy of eBay                                                                                     very good condition with no
        seller hammersportsrelics.)                                                                                           damages.  (Photos  courtesy  of
                                                                                                                              eBay seller juice1499.)
        DBA: The seller got a deal. While this is an extremely nice helmet, I could find
        many similar-size ones for $100. I think that the word out is that eBay is the                                        DBA:  Satsuma has really
        place to sell prime examples in most any category of collectibles.                                                    increased in price in recent
                                                                                                                              years. This is more like a
                                                                                                                              retail price than an auction
                                                                                                                              price.  Larger vases are much
                                                                                                                              harder to successfully fire,
                                                                                                                              and the prices reflect this.

                                                                                  Deborah Abernethy is a certified appraiser with the International Association of Appraisers.  She can be
                                                                                  contacted at 404-262-2131 or Her website is

                                                                                          “Florida’s Best Newspaper for Antiques & Collectibles”
                                                                                        is looking for key people to represent our monthly newspaper
                                                                                       throughout Florida. To qualify, you must have a desire to help
        $2,750 (17 bids, 7 bidders): Antique Little Bonanza Typewriter 1883, Toy in   support the Antiques & Collectibles Industry, be willing to contact
        Box, Vintage Victoria Typewriter. Patented Aug. 21, 1883 typewriter for boys   Antique & Collectible related businesses in your area, be sincere
        and girls / price 50 cents / trade supplied by E.T. Palmer, Stonington, Connecti-  and hardworking! Sales Opportunities are available in many areas
        cut. The box is very nice with a couple of corner seams separated and minor age   throughout the state. For information call, write or email:
        darkening. There is some staining inside the box and on a couple of pieces. There
        may be some letters / numbers missing. (Photos courtesy of eBay seller hat-trick.)                The Antique Shoppe
        DBA: A common theory about toys is that the retired segment of the                      PO Box 2175, Keystone Heights, FL 32656
        population drives the market and people buy the toys they remember from             Email:    352-475-1679
        their childhood. And those collectors pay prime dollar for those toys, and the
        prices just do not tend to increase. I don’t think that this example meets that
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