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March, 2020 The Antique Shoppe Page 27
valuing buttons, like condition, BELOW: William Jennings Bryan ran
unsuccessfully for President three times.
Political Parade scarcity and desirability. Buttons Small 1” picture campaign buttons like this
made in small quantities for
one sell for around $25 in great shape.
By: Michael McQuillen special events are going
to sell for more that
mass-produced B.C.
buttons for Q: emails:
Spring is just around the In to the Mailbag: example. Hi Michael!
corner and with that arrival, Keeping You always
even more opportunities to hit A.R. of Cincinnati e-mails: all of that write about
outdoor antique shows and flea Q: Recently my family and I in mind, campaign
markets! With this column, I were cleaning out my Grandfather’s however, buttons but
am beginning my 28th year of estate. He was an accumulator of I will tell I seem to
writing Political Parade and am all kinds of things but not really a you that the remember
excited to be continuing this fine collector of anything if that makes more common you
tradition. On a personal note, in sense. When he passed away at Bryan picture mentioning
addition to working with political 95 years old, he left a house full of buttons in very Police & Fire
buttons and other historic items including a 26 inch square good condition inthat Badges in the past.
Eisenhower picture campaign scarf
collectibles professionally over that pictures his and is a bright red size are going to sell in the Are badges cross-over items
that time, I have had the honor in color. Is it rare and what’s the $25 - $30 range. I will remind for political collectors? Am I
to serve as an elected official value? you that slight variations or correct that you collect those as
in Indianapolis for the past 14 While that particular very unusual designs can sell for well?
years, first as a Township Board A: scarf or bandanna is not many multiples of that amount
Member, and most recently for really rare, it is a great vintage - so a picture is always worth a Thanks B.C. What a
12 years as a City-County 1950s campaign piece that thousand words! A: great time to ask me
Councillor. As of January would look great framed that question. Yes, I as well as
1, I became “Joe on any collector’s wall. many other political collectors
Citizen” once Average retail like public safety badges in
again and look value - $40. addition to our campaign
forward to button desires. Your question
having is actually very timely, because
more Q: as of the time of writing this
time to column, eBay has begun to
spend J.E. of stop the sales of practically
on the Minneapolis, ANY Police & Fire Badges on
button side of MN writes: Over their site. For some time there
politics! the years I have has been a prohibition on the
As the 2020 purchased a number ABOVE: Most political collectors wouldn’t selling of modern or current
Presidential campaign of old political pin-backs be overly excited about this Indianapolis City- badges for obvious reasons,
continues to fire-up, as I was a History Major in County Council campaign button. Especially antique and obsolete badges
there has been a noticeable school, and have always had a since the candidate did not win this year! were never prohibited, until
Retail value – about a buck!
influx of new political collectors fascination with Presidents and now. eBay has begun removing
entering the market. This is a Politics. Most of the buttons I almost all badges recently, citing
trend that happens every four have picture William Jennings concerns about their misuse.
years as campaign fever affects Bryan who ran for President This is a ridiculous justification
our nation. three times and was never in my opinion as I cannot
Political campaign debates, elected. I have over 30 of them imagine anyone successfully
rallies, fundraisers and other that measure a little less than an impersonating an office with a
events will see the production inch in diameter, and picture him 75 year-old badge. So, long story
of countless buttons and items with red, white and blue designs short there is one less venue for
for all of our favorite politicals of flags and banners. A few have the selling of badges in our world
and hopefuls and we move silver backgrounds as well. Do of collecting.
towards finding out who will you need to see pictures or are
the “finalists” for the November these all worth about the same Michael McQuillen has been a full-time
2020 election. amount? Thanks! dealer, collector and expert in the field of
Please feel free to keep me Bryan is a fascinating Political Americana for 30 years. His column
Political Parade has appeared regularly in a
posted on neat and notable A: candidate to collect as number of antique & collectible publications
items you find as the year many of the items produced for since 1992. He invites readers to write or
progresses and I will include his campaigns were made during email with any questions or suggestions.
Michael J. McQuillen can be reached by
some of them in future columns. the Golden Years of campaign writing him directly at P. O. Box 50022,
Have fun collecting! buttons. A lot of factors go into Indianapolis, Indiana 46250-0022, e-mail: or through his
ABOVE: I Like Ike fans probably waved scarves like this colorful example at more than one
political rally in the 1950s. Retail value - $40.