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Page 32 The Antique Shoppe March, 2020
Proved Early 20 Century Fad
By Larry LeMasters, LeMasters’ Antique News Service
Some people believe the invention jamming or fowling postal sorting used to highlight the designs or postcards is mainly responsible for
of postcards revolutionized how machines. The Post Office also images, giving color to the cards. the increased demand [in leather].”
we communicate with each other. disliked novelty postcards because Religious leather postcards The article implied American leather
But the simple fact is postcards they weighed more than normal were popular in the Bible Belt. One prices rose during the period leather
were more evolutionary in their postcards, so the cost of mailing was leather postcard I saw in an antique postcards were popular.
development than revolutionary. higher. Many people only placed shop in Russellville, AR, had a Novelty postcards, just like regular
Postcards, as most of us know, are normal postcard postage on heavy beautiful Norman cross burned into postcards, are valued for the image
rectangular pieces of thin cardboard- novelty cards, causing the Postal the leather and the message, “Do on the postcard, so while a postcard
like material intended for writing Service to either eat the cost or send unto others as you would have them has to be made of a novel material
and mailing without an envelope. the card back, which, either way, was do unto you” wrapped around the to be a novelty postcard, it is still
As early as 1777, French engraver a headache for postal employees. cross like a ribbon or scarf. In good the image that makes it valuable. A
Demaison published sheets of Finally, some leather postcards condition, this postcard cost just good example is a figural Theodore
greeting cards that were designed sported ribald phrases and naked $10 and would have made a unique Roosevelt leather postcard. This
to be cut apart and then mailed. women, so the government made bookmark. postcard sold at auction, along
However, it was not until 1861 that postal workers look for and pull Some leather postcards also came with a leather coin purse postcard
the first modern postcard was issued such cards as “immoral or obscene,” with holes punched into the card. (that looked like a pair of chaps),
when Hymen Lipman (founder of which took time to do. in 2012 for $382. The majority of
the first American-owned envelope leather postcards sell for $5-20, but
company and inventor of the lead the image of Roosevelt produced
pencil and eraser) patented a postal on a leather card while he was still
card in Philadelphia. These early president of the United States is an
postcards are still called Lipman important image to collect, and the
Cards, and they are valuable and card’s price reflects that importance.
highly sought after by collectors.
One of seven (set) leather postcards, showing
chores for the bear family for each day of the Humorous, leather Valentine’s Day postcard
week. Offered on eBay $200.↓ that is valued at $4.↓
postcard mailed
in Rock Springs,
WY, in 1907,
valued at $20.
As deltiologists know (deltiology Normal factors that apply to
is the study and collecting of Most leather Some cards had postcard values do not apply to
postcards), the most fun and postcards were holes punched all leather postcards. Country of
interesting postcards to collect made of soft, the way around origin, manufacturing company that
are novelty postcards, which, by pliable deer hide while others published the card, and who wrote on
definition, are any postcards that and featured simply had four it or received it may all effect normal
deviate from normal, paper postcards. romantic, holes, one in each cards, but the draw to collecting
Novelty postcards include wooden religious, ribald, corner. The holes leather postcards is the deer leather
postcards (which were never sold for or humorous were designed so and the image or writing on the card.
a wooden nickel), copper postcards messages. Each that women could Ultimately, leather postcards were
(sold in Michigan, the copper capital message or design stitch leather simply a fad that lasted from around
of America), coconut postcards (from was burned into postcards together 1905 to 1910, which was right in
Hawaii), and leather postcards. the leather. This into wall hangings the middle of the Golden Age of
The majority of novelty postcards burning process or pillowcases. Postcards. Leather postcards were
were produced before 1918 when was called An article in popular tourist items since they were
World War I began. Prior to the pyrography, which a 1906 leather inexpensive to buy and satisfied the
war, the US Postal Service had few was a type of trade journal folks back home when received.
limitations on postcards, but by etching. stated, “The fact Today, leather postcards add
1920 with modern mechanizations Following Reverse side of 1907 leather post- that women are whimsy, depth, and considerable
enslaving the country, the Postal the burning or card, showing address line and making soft interest to a postcard collection,
Service outlawed novelty postcards etching, colored room for postage at top right corner. pillows out ensuring they will hold their value
because they disrupted service by ink was often of the leather for a long time to come.