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North Lake Blvd.
March, 2020 The Antique Shoppe Page 29
WHAT’S IT WORTH: Recently at a very reputable Auction House we
WHAT’S IT WORTH ANTIQUES MINUTE saw a Pennsylvania House Cherry Dining Room Set, with Extension Table,
Blue Heron Blvd
BY: Mike Ivankovich 8 Chairs, Hutch, and Side Board, in immaculate condition, sell for a total
MLK Jr Blvd.
of $325. After commissions and delivery expense the consignor netted
Greenwood Ave.
10 Reasons Why Younger People Should less than $200. A shame for the Seller; a true bargain for the Buyer.
Buy Antique Furniture Mike Ivankovich is an Auctioneer, Appraiser, Home Downsizing Expert, and host of the "What's N. Ocean Blvd.
It Worth? Ask Mike the Appraiser" Radio Show. Now in its 5th year, “What’s It Worth” airs live
Congress on WBCB 1490 AM,
in the Philadelphia PA area on Friday mornings from 9:30-10:30 AM EST
and on the Internet at: You can also visit his Radio Show Web Site: If your local station doesn’t carry “What’s It Worth” tell them
Palm Bch Lakes Blvd.
they need to add it to their programing mix. If you know anyone who needs any Personal Flagler
Property Appraisal work, or if you need a Speaker for an upcoming meeting or event, call Mike at
Okeechobee Blvd.
(215)-264-4304, or visit:
Belvedere Blvd.
LAKE WORTH Flagler Dr.
Southern Blvd
Antique Mall Summit Blvd 95
Come in and see all our Dixie Hwy.
Antiques & Collectibles Jog Rd
Open 7 Days A Week - Call For Hours 10th Ave. Congress Ave. Federal Hwy.
PERFECT PRESENT! Lake Worth Road Lucerne Lake
“Brown Furniture” is best described as “Grandmother’s Antique Vendor Display Cases 1 Ave
Furniture”. “Brown is Down” has been the mantra for the past several Available for Rent! Malaleuca Ln
32 Dixie Highway
years in the Antiques, Collectibles, and Auction business as interest in Lake Worth, FL 33466
“Brown Furniture” has slowed to a trickle among the younger generation. (561)533-7707 Fax (561)533-7578
And as an increasing amount of brown furniture has been sold by my 1 Lantana Rd Ocean Ave
generation, value has plummeted like a rock-in-water.
But there have been signs that this decline may be bottoming out. Hypoluxo Rd
Which means that, if you like it, today may be the best time to buy
“Brown Furniture” in the past 50 years. Here are 10 reasons you may COOPER CITY
want to consider buying “Brown” today. WHAT THE ADMIRES, THE DESIRES
1. It’s cheap and totally affordable. Vintage Jewelry, Furniture, Glass,
2. It’s durable and will last nearly forever. Artwork, Collectibles, Linens,
3. It’s functional and adaptable to today’s smaller living spaces. For Silver, China & Porcelain
33 Years Same Location
example, Drop Leaf Tables require less space while Lift-Top Chests and 25 Dealers Under One Roof
Flat Top Trunks can double as Storage Space & Coffee Tables. Estates Liquidated
4. There are many different styles to chose from including Country, The Fine Lion Antiques
Empire, Victorian, Cottage, Turn-of-the-Century, Depression, Antique or 9564 Griffin Rd. 2 1
Formal. Cooper City, FL 33328
5. There are many different beautiful woods to choose from including 954-680-6141 • 305-733-5333
Cherry, Chestnut, Mahogany, Oak, Maple, Pine, and Walnut. Mon-Sat 10:30-6:00
6. Most of the styles have withstood the test of time and have Sun 12:00-4:30 or by Appt.
appealed to people for generations. Mention this ad
for a FREE Gift
7. If you must, you can re-purpose it. Older Wardrobes can be
converted to Entertainment Centers and newer Entertainment Centers 1
can be converted to Liquor Cabinets or other storage. And (gasp), all
brown furniture can be re-painted if you prefer.
8. Formal Dining Rooms may presently be a thing of the past, but
people will always need a Bedroom Set and/or Relaxation Furniture.
9. Most Brown Furniture is undervalued today and the best-of-the-
best is totally undervalued, leaving room for re-sale profit at some future
point. We are a 10,000 sq/ft multi-dealer Antique Mall carrying antiques to meet every taste.
10. In my opinion value will eventually return. The temporary appeal Cooper City Antique Mall believes in all the R’s
of Mid-Century Modern can’t last forever so what comes after that? Rescue - Repair - Reuse - Repurpose - Recycle - Reduce
Personally, I think we’ll very likely revert back to the traditional styles. Re-Invent - Re-Imagine
If you prefer low quality Ikea furniture, then Brown Furniture may Antique Furniture and Decorative Accessories dating back to the 18th century.
never be right for you. But if you like it, and if you’re seeking long-term Also Jewelry, Glassware, Textiles, China, Porcelain, Collectibles, Paintings & Prints, Lamps,
Chandeliers, Architectural, Iron & Garden Accessories plus so much more!
value, then go to an Auction, Second-Hand Store or Tag Sale and buy OPEN 7 DAYS — DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE
something that will last a lifetime. For very little money. 9800 Griffin Road, Cooper City, FL 33328 954-252-0788 2