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20 - Antique Shoppe -
           Google Provides Patent Information for Antiquers                       Q & A                                worn they need to be repaired
           The folks at Google have made another handy resource for               Continued from Page 19               or replaced. I also have an article
        folks seeking patent information:                                                          on this subject if you need it. It
                                                                                                                       is #7 in the series and is called
           The application is designed to give information about both                     Hello Mr. Taylor - I have a   “Rebuilding 19th Century Case
        US and worldwide patents. Users can search information by                 Q. antique dresser and the           Goods – Rebuilding Runners.”
                                                                                  drawers don’t slide very well at
        patent number, if it is known, or “generic” searches can be               all, is there anything I can do to fix   If none of these problems
        made using keywords. When a keyword is used, all related                  this? Thanks for your time! Carley.   are apparent, then the drawers
        patents appear. You can refine the search by adding additional                   Carley – There are            probably just need a little
        descriptive words.                                                        A. several things you can do         lubrication. Old timers say to rub
                                                                                                                       a candle or a bar of soap along
                                                                                  depending on why the drawers         the runner, but there is a much
                                                                                  don’t work well. There are three
                         FANNING SPRINGS                                          major components to diagnosing       better method that is fail safe

                                                                                  sticking drawers – the drawer        and much longer lasting. That is
             “explore the difference”                                             case itself, the runners on the      to spray all the runners with a
            Point of View                                                         sides of the drawers and the         food grade or upholstery grade
                                                                                                                       silicone lubricant. Don’t use the
                                                                                  runners inside the cabinet.
                  Antiques                                                          Take a sticking drawer out,        kind found at the hardware store
                                                                                                                       or the auto supply place because
                                                                                  empty it and check to make sure
            17452 US  Hwy 19 N                                                    the drawer is tight in all its joints.   they contain harmful propellants
                                                                                                                       that will stain your furniture and
              Fanning Springs                   There should be no give in any       clothes. The upholstery grade

               (352) 463-0718                     10-5 Monday-Saturday            of the joints. If the drawers are    spray is used by upholsterers
                                                 Now Open Sunday 11-4             loose, they need to be knocked       to fit tight fabric over pillows
                                                                                  apart and properly reassembled.
              collectibles, wood carvings, jewelry, gifts and more                If the drawer is tight, turn it      and cushions. It works very well
                        –DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE–                                  upside down and sight along the      lubricating drawers. I have used
                                                                          33      bottom edge of the drawer that       it for years both personally and

                                                                                  supports the weight. It should       professionally. You can find online
                                                                                                                       at http://www.webstaurantstore.
                    OCALA - BELLEVIEW                                             be perfectly flat and straight. If   com/food-grade-silicone-
                                                                                  it has an arc in the drawer side,
                                                                                  i.e. the center is higher than the   lubricant-spray-11-oz/359B321C.
                                                                                                                       html4. If none of these solutions
                                                                                  ends, the drawer side has to be      work please let me know. Thanks
                                                                                  rebuilt. I have written an article
            DIGGERS ANTIQUE MALL                                                                                       for writing.
               1811 N. PINE AVE.                                                  on this subject as entry #6 of my      Send your comments, questions and pictures to
               OCALA, FL 34475                                                    syndicated series “Common Sense      me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or email
                                                                                  Antiques” entitled  “Mid 19th
                  352-629-5250                                                    Century Case Goods – Rebuilding      them to me at
                                                                                                                         Visit Fred’s website at www.furnituredetective.
                                              MOSSY OAKS ANTIQUE MALL                                                  com and check out the downloadable “Common
                 Open 7 Days a Week                                               Drawers.” I will be happy to send    Sense Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book
             Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm • Sun 12-5pm  8,000 Sq. Ft.        30+ Dealers        Mon-Sat 10:30-5  you or any other reader a free   “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now
                                                 6260 SE 118th Place                                                   available for $18.95 + $3.00 shipping. Send check or
               6/10 mi. S. of Belleview on Hwy 301  copy of the article if this turns out   money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO Box 215,
                                                   Belleview, FL 34420            to be your problem. Just email me    Crystal River, FL 34423
            WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES                   352-307-0090                at        Fred and Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF
                                                  Offering a Dazzling Variety of                                       OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00 + $3.00
                CLOCK REPAIR ON SITE                                                                                   S&H) are also available at the same address. For
                                                 Antique & Vintage Merchandise      Finally, with the drawers out,     more information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM
                                                 Professional Furniture Restoration Available  you need to inspect the interior   Eastern, M-F only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail
                                       38        Check out our albums on Facebook  40  runners in the cabinet. If these All items are also
                                                                                  are deeply grooved or seriously      available directly from the website,
                                     WILLISTON - REDDICK

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