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22 - Antique Shoppe -
                                                                                    PH: Alfred Dunhill Ltd. is an English
         What’s Selling on eBay?                                                  luxury goods brand. Begun as a saddlery

                                                                                  business, Dunhill quickly focused on
                                                                                  accessories and clothing for early motorists.
         by Philip Hawkins and Mike McLeod                                        Dunhill opened its first tobacconist and pipe
                                                                                  shop in 1907 and introduced a one-hand
                                                                                  lighter in 1927. Lighters were offered in
        $1,725 (21 bids, 8 bidders): Antique Dunhill 9K Gold London, 1930s,       many finishes: gold, gold-filled, two-tone,
        Lift-Arm Lighter.  Lift-arm lighter with machined surface and applied     with decorative engraving, monograms and
        monogram, “JGS”, marked .375 (9K) gold. Overall condition is very         even inset clocks in varying styles.
        good. Measures 1.4 inches wide by 1.7 inches high. Weighs 32.7 grams.       This 1930s 9K gold lighter has machine
        (Photo courtesy of eBay seller e-bidiot.)                                 engraving, an applied side monogram and
                                                                                  full identification of the owner engraved
                                                                                  on the base. Its selling price is in line with
                                                                                  similar lighters.  A premium would be paid
           GREATER ORLANDO                                                        for higher carat gold, an inset watch or a

                                                                                  unique or celebrity ownership.
               Kissimmee                                                          $3,050 (25 bids, 8 bidders): Antique

                   Oviedo                                                         Original 1800s Tallow Candles.       Tallow candles could be either
                                                                                  You’re bidding on a lot of original
              Winter Park                                                         1800s candles—pulled from a wood     molded or dipped, molded being
                                                                                  box, estate find. Believe these to be
               Longwood                        Historic Downtown Marketplace      tallow. Nice lot of them.            more expensive.  Beeswax was an

                                                      108 Broadway                PH: Tallow is beef and mutton fat    even more expensive alternative.
          1. Lanier’s                              in the Old McCrory’s Building  which is a solid substance at room   The dipped type was made from
                                                       Kissimmee, FL                                                   a reed dipped over and over into
          2. Echoes of Yesterday                                                  temperature, and if kept in a closed   the fat to build up size. As cheaper
                                                      407-933-5679                container, it could be stored for an
          3. The Coop                          Antiques, Collectibles & Accessories  extended period. Tallow candles   and more pleasant smelling
          4. Oviedo Antique Mall                     for the Home & Garden        were used primary during the Middle   alternatives, such as spermaceti,
                                                                                                                       colza oil and rapeseed oil were
                                                                                  Ages, and families would save
          5. Orange Tree Antique Mall            Family owned and operated for 20 years  animal fat for the travelling chandler   found, fewer tallow candles were
                                                      OPEN: Mon-Sat 10-5          to make into candles.                used into the 19  century.
          9. The Royal Court                  1                                                                 Continued >

                                                                                          15,000 sq. ft. •140 DEALERS!

                                                                                                               Orange Tree

                                               5                                                                 anTiques Mall

                                                                                                                853 South Orlando Ave.

                                                                                                                  Just South of Fairbanks on Hwy. 17-92
                                                                                                                       (1 Mi. East of I-4, Exit 87)
                                                                                                                 Winter Park, FL 32789
                                                                                                                       (407) 644-4547

                                                                                         JULY 4th SALE                          Voted “Florida’s
                                                                                              July 3-7                          Best Antiques Mall”
                                                                                                                                                  Since 1995

                                                                                                                                OPEN 7 DAYS
                                                                                                                            Mon-Sat 10:00am - 5:45pm
                                                                                                                              Sun 12:00pm - 5:45pm

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                                          2   1                                            COME See Why Customers LOVE Our Mall!
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