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Page 32          The Antique Shoppe          June, 2017
        Advertising Collectibles—

                                        BUSTER BROWN & MARY JANE

        by Roy Nuhn

          “Meet me in St. Louis, Louis; meet   with youngsters and their                 when, on May 4, 1902, his     Buster in the public’s favor. But,
        me at the fair,” was what America    parents than even Frank                          immortal Buster Brown    for a while, Buster was a rollicking
        as singing that year. It was 1904    Merriwell.                                          first appeared on the   sensation and his fame spread
        and the city that had long been the    The highly                                           pages of the New   rapidly nationwide. For many
        gateway to the West was playing host   successful                                            York Herald.      decades afterward, though, he
        to the country - and to the world - at   merchandising                                         Buster, son of   remained a cherished character for
        the gigantic and fabulous Louisiana   of Buster                                                 a prosperous   many Americans.
        Purchase Exposition.                 and his pals                                                middle class    The Buster Brown craze resulted
          Over 20 million visitors flocked to   was not                                                  uptown        in a landslide of products bearing
        St. Louis during the World’s Fair’s   unexpected                                                 family,       his or Mary Jane’s image.
        seven-month run. With the multitudes   by Outcault.                                              along with      Collectors today eagerly seek
        drawn to St. Louis that magical      He had                                                      sister Mary   everything related to Buster, his
        summer came hundreds of America’s    already                                                     Jane and      sister, and Tige. The list of treasures
        leading businessmen. They were not   made a small                                               pet dog        sought include clothing, various food
        there to taste the world’s first hot dog   fortune in                                          Tige, became    products (coffee, candy, flour, etc. ),
        or to sample the newest food craze,   the fast-paced,                                         an overnight     posters, silverware, and postcards.
        the ice cream cone. They were there to   somewhat sordid                                    success and        Also toys, banks, and dolls of all types
        talk to a very unusual man.          world of American                                    earned Outcault a    and compositions, as well as whistles,
          He was Richard Felton Outcault,    advertising with his                             fortune in job offers and   figural clothes buttons, and pencil
        America’s most famous comic strip    Yellow Kid. The kid, a jug-                  advertising contracts.       boxes.
        artist. His “funny paper” heroes,    eared urchin had become an overnight   Within a couple of decades,          Then there are all sorts of books,
        The Yellow Kid, Pore Lil Moses,      sensation from coast to coast as the   however, the strip had run its course   the most desirable being the dozen or
        and Buster Brown were so well-       star of the world’s very first comic   and became out-of-date. In 1920,   so large-sized editions with colorful
        known and beloved that his name had   strip, Hogan’s Alley, Buster was the   when Outcault retired, the last new   cardboard covers, by Leon and
        become practically a household word.   last - and greatest - achievement of   episode appeared. Newer comics,   Cupples Co. and Frederick A. Stokes
        Accompanied by a life-sized recreation   his long and successful cartooning   such as the Katzenjammer Kids    Co., that, between 1903 and 1917,
        of Buster, the country’s current     career. The artist was 39 years old   by Dirk, replaced the mischievous   reprinted the Sunday comic strips.
        favorite, Outcault held court in a stall                                                                       Stokes also printed many  original
        on the fairgrounds, engaging in endless                                                                        story  books, coloring books, and
        rounds of negotiations with these                                                                              activity books.
        captains of industry and commerce.                                                                               Early in the century, Buster became
          A shrewd businessman - indeed his                                                                            associated with the Brown Shoe Co.
        talent in this regard was equal to or                                                                          (named after its founder, George
        exceeded his artistic skills - Outcault                                                                        Brown, not Buster). This St. Louis
        was offering Buster, Mary Jane, and                                                                            firm dominated the footwear industry
        even Tige, to anyone willing to pay                                                                            and for many decades issued countless
        the price. The happy trio, resolutions                                                                         premiums. Among them, a seemingly
        and all, were being sold for use in                                                                            endless series of heavily illustrated
        advertising every product imaginable,                                                                          booklets - with such titles as “Buster’s
        from beer to socks, or as company                                                                              Book of Instructive Jokes and Jingles”
        trademarks. They were also franchised                                                                          and “Buster Brown’s Book of Travel,
        out as merchandise - toys, dolls,                                                                              “ shoe horns, blotters, dozens of
        watches, and countless other products.                                                                         different pinbacks, comic books
          More than 50 companies signed                                                                                (1940s) and even a kite (in the 1950s).
        on the dotted line. As an extra bonus,                                                                           The craze for Buster Brown grips
        Outcault himself drew most of the                                                                              today’s collectors as much as it did
        illustrations and characterizations.                                                                           folks, back in the early years of the
        Buster Brown thus became one of                                                                                century. The hunt is on for anything
        the earliest comic strip characters to                                                                         about the kid with the Prince Valiant
        be extensively commercialized in the                                                                           haircut, who always made amends for
        marketplace.                                                                                                   his bad behavior by “resolving” to be
          In picking Buster Brown and his                                                                              better.
        comic strip companions for their                                                                                 And to think, it all began a long,
        product line or ad campaigns, these                                                                            long time ago with a boy called Buster
        companies chose well. Though                                                                                   Brown, his sister, Mary Jane, and dog
        introduced only in 1902, the                                                                                   who answered to the name of Tige.
        mischievous and prank-playing,                                                                                 All of this, thanks to an Ohio artist
        though well-meaning, youngster                                                                                 by the name of Richard Outcault who
        had quickly captured the fancy and                                                                             brought them to life on the funny
        affection of America. He was the new   TOP: Advertising mirror, 1910-1915, premium from Brown Shoe Co.         pages back when the 20th century was
        century’s very first cult hero, and   CENTER: Tin Store Sign (1920s); Tin whistle, handout from Buster Brown’s Hosiery (1910);   just dawning.
        enjoyed greater popularity           Buster Brown Cigar tin can with paper label (1920s); Shoe Box (The Brown Shoe Co.), circa
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