Page 147 - Orange Butterfly Book 1
P. 147

  unit 4
4. Extension to Science Mutual Aid Among Animals
humans help each other, it’s part of being friends. You probably have helped somebody out this week, or maybe even today. But humans aren’t the only species who help others. Did you know some animals also do it? Different species help each other. here are just a few examples:
    • Cleaner Shrimp and Fish:
Cleaner shrimp eat the parasites on fish. This helps both of them, since the fish gets cleaned, and the cleaner shrimp gets an easy meal.
 • Crocodiles and Plovers:
plovers are basically the dentists of the bird world. Crocodiles open their mouths wide, just as you would at the dentist, and the bird eats all the food that’s stuck in the spaces. Since obviously crocodiles don’t brush their teeth, these birds are what keep their teeth healthy. in return for this, crocodiles don’t eat the plovers, and they get to eat all the scraps inside the crocodile’s mouth.

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