Page 148 - Orange Butterfly Book 1
P. 148

• Zebras and Ostriches:
These animals may seem completely different. One is a fluffy, long legged bird that tends to stick its head in the ground, while the other one is a striped animal that looks a lot like a horse, but their differences are what help them. ostriches don’t have a good sense of smell, but zebras do, so they can smell predators approaching. The ostriches help the zebras too. ostriches have good eyesight, while zebras don’t, so ostriches serve as lookouts. Together, they can smell or see danger before it gets close, making life a lot safer for both animals.
• Caterpillars and Ants:
much as we use cows, ants use some types of caterpillars. The Lycaenid caterpillar creates a sort of sugary syrup, which the ants eat. in exchange for this, ants don’t harm the caterpillars, they protect them. The caterpillars even squeak when it is time for the ants to start eating, even though the sound is inaudible to humans.

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