Page 94 - Red Feather Book 2
P. 94
16. According to the myth, what values are exalted in the “Havamal” or “High Song”?
These laws speak of the proper way to bury the dead, the necessity for charity, hospitality, and truthfulness, and the importance of courage and patience.
17. Loki, the trickster god, had many wives and descendants, but three of his offspring were so fearsome that, they were cast out of Asgard. Name them and the places they were sent to.
He had three fearsome offspring: a supernatural being named Hel, a serpent named Jormungand, and a wolf named Fenrir. As these creatures grew larger and more terrifying, the gods decided to get rid of them. They cast Hel into the dismal realm called Niflheim, where she became the goddess of the dead. They threw Jormungand into the sea, and they bound Fenrir with magical ropes and fastened him to a huge rock.
18. What terrible deed got Loki banished to the Cave of Sorrows?
He tricked the blind god Hod into throwing a piece of mistletoe to Balder, Odin’s son, and thus killing him because this was the only thing in the universe that could harm him.
The Aesir 91 Norse Mithology