Page 21 - PIR 2020
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507 men 209 women
people groups
Empart digs deep core bore wells in communities that
our field workers identify as having the greatest need
for safe, life-giving water. the trees has been handed over to those who planted
empowering women
In the past year, we have drilled 36 new bore wells to provide fresh and safe water for 11,070 people.
In total, we have installed 300 wells, impacting 61,277 people in 630 villages. And you are a big part of that! Thank you!
them. All these programs were aimed at improving people’s mental health and wellbeing.
There are plans to dig an additional 133 new wells this
summer. We must urgently complete the work while
the weather is hottest and before the monsoonal
awareness program that reached out to people not
wearing masks, teaching them about the benefits of I walked two miles to fetch water and two
sanitary napkins masks produced by
masks, hand sanitisers and social distancing. Through the program, we handed out masks made by women in
our female empowermen
participated and benefitted, both physically and mentally.
For World Disability day, we reached out to people
women living
t prog
in slums
generous gift of the well in our village.
A ‘Streets for People’ program provided entertainment opportunities for people living in isolation during lockdowns. This was run in empty city parks and
Now I don’t have to walk many miles each day to collect enough water. I have more time with my children, and I know the water I am giving
roadways. More than 100
slums adopted
le of all ages
them to drink does not carry disease. The pain and discrimination I have endured for so long has been lifted. My honour and dignity have been restored. Thank you for so generously setting me, my family and my village free.” Basanti*, a beneficiary of a village well.
61,277 people in 630 villages
impacted with safe water
36 new wells
300 wells drilled in total
living with disabilities in the 10 slums in which we work.
restoring health
As part of a liveable cities program, we encouraged
elderly women and young people to plant 200 trees
to help with pollution, reduce the risk of flooding,
enhance air quality and provide shade. The care of
rains start. We dig when the water table is at its lowest to reach sources of water that will not run out. This ensures the time and money invested are not wasted on a well that runs dry, but instead provides a source of water for villages year-round.
A new well helps ease the physical workload of families,
especially women and children. The burden of walking long distances to collect water several times each day is lifted and water-borne diseases are avoided.
2,000 2,500 & 1
This year, we had new opportunities to help restore health to communities. We ran a unique COVID-19
“I remember the pain of carrying heavy
kets to
llect wate
two-year-old child with other children while
miles home. I would have to do that several
times each day. Today, I am full of joy for this
r. I would
leave my
Partnership Impact Report 2020
mothers & children