Page 22 - PIR 2020
P. 22
improving livelihoods
Empart believes it is important to help people gain independence. Learning new skills is vital for the poor and marginalised communities we work within. When people learn new skills, they can improve their circumstances and have a better quality of life. Growing their own food is part of that.
Empart is empowering communities by teaching people how to grow their food and provide for their families. We organised a Grow Your Own Food organic garden workshop amongst those living in slums. The meeting was streamed live on Facebook and Zoom. Attendees were taught the importance of having an organic kitchen garden and the health benefits of non-pesticide horticulture for the whole family.
Simple tips were shared on how to create a terrace, windowsill or balcony garden making sure it is cost effective and does not require too much maintenance. People were encouraged that the major requirement is sunshine, hard work and lots of patience. A live demonstration helped provide better understanding and answer questions.
Attendees have now planted pomegranates, tomatoes, coriander, mint and potatoes.
Children have been encouraged to take ownership of a few plants in the hope that they will learn how to grow their own food and be able to improve their nutrition.
“What an asset home grown vegetables provide. If each home takes on the responsibility of growing their own veggies, even to a partial extent, we won’t face a lack of vegetables like we do today.” Poonam*, community leader.
Roof top gardens are springing up in various locations. The first one began on top of one of our office buildings. Vegetables and herbs were purchased by the staff and neighbours. The variety and volume of
Empart Australia