Page 5 - PhD GT
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3.3.1 Methodology of validating of self-report: collaterals p52
3.3.2 Other measures used in the validation of self-report p54
3.3.3 Enhancing the validity of self-report p56
3.3.4. Maximising the reliability and validity of self-report p56 3.4 Self-report measures of dependence p57
3.4.1 The Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ) and the community version, the SADQ-C p58
3.4.2 The Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS) p61
3.4.3 The Short-form Alcohol Dependence Data (SADD) p63
3.4.4 The Ethanol Dependence Syndrome Scale (EDS) p64
3.4.5 Drug dependence and the Severity of Opiate Dependence Scale (SODQ) p65
3.4.6 Measuring substance dependence: the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) p71
3.4.7. The Leeds Dependence Questionnaire (LDQ) p73
3.5 Criteria for the comparison and evaluation of scales designed to measure dependence p78
Chapter 4 Preliminary work - Studies and Samples - the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire
4.0 Introduction p80
4.1 An overview of the studies conducted and samples recruited for the purpose of the present
thesis p81
4.1.1 Sample 1 p82
4.1.2 Sample 2 p82
4.1.3 Sample 3 p83
4.1.4 Sample 4 p83
4.1.5 Sample 5 p84
4.1.6 Sample 6 p84
4.2 Further investigation of the LDQ in the present study: Readability of the scale p85
4.3 Study 1: Response choices in the LDQ p85
4.3.1 Study 1: Sample and Procedures p87
4.3.2 Study 1: Results p88
4.3.3 Study 1: Discussion p90
4.4 Study 2: Ability of the LDQ to measure dependence in abstinence p92
4.4.1 Study 2: Method p93
4.4.2 Study 2: Results p93

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