Page 7 - PhD GT
P. 7
6.5.1 Method p135
6.5.2 Procedures for assessing the reliability and validity of the adapted Coping Behaviours
Inventory (CBIdrg) p136
6.5.3 Results: item analysis and internal consistency p136
6.5.4 Content validity p138
6.5.5 Construct validity p138
6.5.6 Concurrent validity p138
6.5.7 Test re-test reliability p139
6.6 Discussion p140
Chapter 7 The main study: methods, procedures and sample characteristics
7.0 Introduction p142
7.1 Sampling p142
7.1.1 The research site p143
7.1.2 Sample selection and sources of potential bias p145
7.1.3 Sample size p145
7.1.4 Recruitment to the study p146
7.2 Data Collection Procedures p146
7.2.1 Data collection at intake p148
7.2.2 Measures: self completion scales p149
7.2.3 The General Health Questionnaire p150
7.2.4 The Social Satisfaction Questionnaire p151
7.2.5 Measures: the brief interview p154
7.3 Follow-up p155
7.3.1 Follow-up measures p155
7.3.2 The method of follow-up at three months and at twelve months p156
7.3.3 The process of follow-up at three months p157
7.3.4 The process of follow-up at twelve months p158
Chapter 8 Study 4: the main study. Results 1
8.0 Sample characteristics p160
8.1 Sample 6: questionnaire and interview results t1 p161
8.2 Sample 6a: questionnaire and interview results at t1 p164