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4.4.3 Study 2: Discussion p94
4.5 Conclusions from further work on the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire p95
Chapter 5 Impaired control and dependence
5.0 Introduction p96
5.1 Origins and definition: is it lost or is it impaired? p96
5.2 Does impaired control necessarily imply initial intention? p101
5.3 Source of the definition: Objective or subjective measure? p102
5.4 The timing of impaired control: is 'inability to abstain' a separate construct? p103
5.5 Is impaired control a component of dependence or just highly correlated with it? p104
5.6 The measurement of impaired control p105
5.7 Adaptation and validation of the Impaired Control Scale (ICS) for use with heroin addicts
5.7.1 Study 3 and the samples used in it p109
5.7.2 The study site p109
5.7.3 Procedures p110
5.7.4 Results: sample characteristics p111
5.7.5 Item analysis and internal consistency p112
5.7.6 Construct validity of the ICSdrg p114
5.7.7 Content validity p116
5.7.8 Concurrent validity p117
5.7.9 Reliability p118
5.8 Discussion p120
Chapter 6 Coping and dependence
6.0 Introduction p123
6.1 Is there a relationship between levels of dependence and types of coping? p123
6.2 Coping and relapse p124
6.2.1 Cognitive and behavioural coping responses and relationships with outcome p124
6.3 Coping and dependence p130
6.4 The measurement of coping strategies p131
6.5 Adaptation and validation of the Coping Behaviours Inventory for use with heroin addicts