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GreenPoint Ag Employee Handbook


               We are delighted you have chosen to join our team. We hope you have a long and successful career with
               us. The intent of this Employee Handbook is to provide you with some information about GreenPoint Ag
               and our expectations, as well as answer some questions many employees have about working here.

               As an agriculture company headquartered in Decatur, Alabama, we are pleased to support our farmers,
               cooperatives, and turf professionals with our expertise in southern agronomy. We’re a farmer-owned
               company, meaning that our mission is to help the farmers we serve. Our mission is to help our growers
               succeed in this ever-changing world. We best do that by focusing on four stakeholders:

                   1.  Our growers. We serve our growers directly through company-owned retail stores and indirectly
                       through Tennessee Farmers Co-op and Alabama Farmers Co-op. We also serve our turf
                       customers through our professional products group. Providing outstanding products and
                       services to our customers is our first goal. Every one of you plays an important role.
                   2.  Our employees. Our second goal is making sure this is a great place to work. We hired you
                       because we believe you have the skills and the potential to help us succeed. We expect and
                       depend on each of you to perform assigned tasks to the best of your abilities. In turn, our goal is
                       to support you with clear expectations, consistent communication about the business, and an
                       understanding of the longer-term career options available to you.
                   3.  Our communities. Our locations play key roles in supporting both the farmers and the
                       communities they operate in. We hope you’ll join us in helping our southern rural communities
                       thrive through active participation in community and volunteer events and opportunities.
                   4.  Our owners. If we serve our customers well, if we take care of our employees, and if we’re
                       strong members of our communities, I am confident we’ll be able to generate strong returns for
                       our owners. With consistent positive returns, we can reinvest that money in our capital-
                       intensive business, invest in our people or provide consistent cash-back to our owners.

               Safety is important to us. Our first job is to make sure that everyone goes home in the same or better
               condition at the end of the day than when they arrived. That means that we expect everyone to focus
               on following the proper safety protocols and procedures and – most importantly – take care of one
               another. If you see someone doing something potentially unsafe or in need of help – physical or mental
               – please say something. We all depend on one another, and we depend on you doing your part.

               Finally, we hope to have some fun. Serving the American farmer is a great privilege. We take the
               responsibility seriously but we hope not to take ourselves too seriously. We hope you’ll join us in
               building a team that works well with each other, supports one another, and has some fun along the way.

               If at any time you need assistance or guidance, please do not hesitate to ask your manager, a member of
               the Human Resources team, or a member of the Leadership Team.

               We hope that you will find GreenPoint as exciting, welcoming, challenging and rewarding as we do.

               Jeff Blair
               President and CEO

               September 2022                                                                          Page 1
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