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GreenPoint Ag Employee Handbook
The intent of this handbook to be clear about what we expect and what you can expect from us and
your manager. First expectation is that you will read, understand and comply with this handbook. If you
have any questions, we expect you to ask and if you can help make it better, we'd love to hear it. We
always want to get better, so better to ask and so we can make sure you're good as well as others that
have the same questions.
Use this as a guide to read and keep for future reference. More information about our culture can be
found in our Culture Playbook. This information and more details about our policies can be found on our
intranet, The Turnrow, at
Of course, no handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question (and who would want to read it if
we could). We also want to grow and get better. Thus, we may revise this at any time. We'll notify you of
such changes as they occur, likely via email and/or other common communication form.
September 2022 Page 5