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GreenPoint Ag Employee Handbook
economic status, veteran status or any other characteristic or classification protected by law. To be
clear, GreenPoint Ag prohibits harassment of its employees in any form for any reason—by executives,
managers, co-workers, customers, visitors, or suppliers.
If you feel you have been discriminated against or harassed in any way, it is generally best to tell that
person that you find such behavior offensive, that such behavior is against GreenPoint Ag’s policy, and
that you want him or her to immediately stop. However, if you are uncomfortable taking this action, or
if the conduct does not stop after you have warned the offending person, you should report it
immediately to your manager, Human Resources, or any member of the Leadership Team.
You may also anonymously call our hotline at 1-877-288-3815 to report discrimination or harassment
you experience or observe others experiencing. You are encouraged to report what you believe to be
any violation of this policy.
Complaints will be investigated as promptly, thoroughly, and impartially under the direction of Human
Resources. GreenPoint Ag will protect the confidentiality of complaints to the fullest extent possible.
However, there is no guarantee of confidentiality. Immediate and appropriate action will be taken if the
investigation determines that discrimination or harassment has occurred.
GreenPoint Ag will not retaliate against any employee for complaining about discrimination or
harassment. If an employee feels they have been retaliated against, the complaint procedure above
should be followed.
GreenPoint Ag will ensure managers and supervisors take positive steps to comply with this policy. They
are required to be aware of potential discrimination situations, quickly resolve any discrimination issues
that arise, and refrain from retaliation or harassment against any employee involved in the filing,
investigation, or resolution of a discrimination claim.
Managers, and all other employees are required to cooperate fully with the investigation and resolution
of all discrimination and harassment complaints.
We thank each of you for ensuring we continue to foster a culture that supports diversity, equity, and
inclusion for anyone who comes in contact with GreenPoint Ag. For more information, refer to
GreenPoint Ag’s full Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion / Equal Employment Opportunity
Policy, located on The Turnrow at
Code of Ethics
GreenPoint Ag requires that we “Do what is right.” and always be accountable for our actions. Some of
the situations we will face are described in this policy. However, no policy can cover all situations we
might encounter. This policy is not a substitute for the exercise of good judgment. When in doubt, it is
best to ask the following questions:
• Is it legal?
• Does it comply with our rules and guidelines?
• Is it in accordance with our company values?
• Will I be comfortable and guilt-free if I do it?
• Would I do it to, or in front of, my family and friends?
September 2022 Page 9