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GreenPoint Ag Employee Handbook
• Would my action inspire trust?
• Can I defend this action with a clear conscience before my manager, fellow employees, and the
Enforcement of sound ethical decisions and behaviors is the responsibility of every GreenPoint Ag
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s loyalties become divided between GreenPoint Ag’s
interests and those of another person or entity or their own interest. You are expected to devote your
best effort and attention to the performance of your job. You are also expected to use good judgement,
to adhere to high ethical standards, and to avoid situations that create an actual or potential conflict
between your personal interests and the interests of GreenPoint Ag. Employees must refrain from
taking part in, or exerting influence over, any transactions in which their own interests may conflict with
the best interests of GreenPoint Ag. GreenPoint Ag reserves the right to determine when an employee’s
activities represent a conflict with GreenPoint Ag’s interests and to take whatever action is necessary to
resolve a conflict of interest, including discharge of an employee.
Permission to be employed outside of GreenPoint Ag must be requested in writing and approved in
writing by Human Resources.
Receipt of Gifts
You are expected to exercise good judgment in deciding whether to accept gifts, entertainment, or
other favors so that all business decisions are made impartially. Accepting gifts of more than a token
nature such as, services, personal discounts, tickets to sporting events, or other offerings that might
appear to place you under obligation must be formally reported and discussed with your immediate
manager and approved by the appropriate department vice president.
When a vendor program offers a choice of incentives, employees are required to decline such option as
GreenPoint Ag provides its own incentive program to ensure consistent rewards across our employee
base. Gifts of cash or cash equivalents are unacceptable.
If anyone reports the receipt of a gift received by an employee or his or her immediate family member
that exceeds this policy, the manager and Human Resources shall determine whether there has been a
violation of this policy.
Confidentiality / Non-Disclosure
It is critical to GreenPoint Ag that we protect our confidential business information and trade secrets.
All information about GreenPoint Ag’s business and its plans that have not been disclosed to the public
are valuable assets that belong to GreenPoint Ag. Employees must never (1) use any confidential
information or trade secrets of GreenPoint Ag for any purpose other than the performance of their
duties with GreenPoint Ag, or (2) disclose any confidential information or trade secrets of GreenPoint Ag
to anyone including relatives, friends, or other persons or companies, without prior written
authorization by GreenPoint Ag. If confidential information of GreenPoint Ag or its business partners,
vendors, or customers is released, any employee with knowledge of such must notify their manager or
Legal immediately.
September 2022 Page 10