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synonymous with it. These ads will not                                                                                                                      Content marketing and social proof   What’s next?
          immediately generate leads, but they will                                                                                   Take     Make sure every        In addition to ads and lead        Drawing people to your website
                                                                                                                                               new lead that comes
          keep you top of mind with your audience.                                                                                    Action   through your website is   magnets, sharing relevant content   without a clear follow-up strategy is
                                                                                                                                               added to your database   is guaranteed to help you stay   like catching a fly in a trap and letting
                                                                                                                                               and placed into a
          •  Product ads                                                                                                                       drip campaign to be    top of mind with your audience     it go. As with any new lead, you want
          Tout a specific product or service that you                                                                                          retargeted with email   and encourage visitors to spend   to make sure people have a reason
          offer. You could prompt visitors to buy                                                                                              marketing and ads.     more time on your website and      to keep in touch. You can ensure
          directly through such ads or redirect them                                                                                                                  social pages. There are a variety of   that people return to your website—
          to a landing page or your website.                                                                                                                          approaches you can take, including   whether it be for entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                      blogging about topics important    purposes, information on new
          •  Lead magnet ads                                                                                                                                          to your industry, posting videos of   products or services, or business
          An item of value you give to someone in                                                                                  exchange for an item of value, also   client testimonials, and sharing   updates—by keeping in front of
          exchange for their email address and other                                                                               called a lead magnet, or to buy    industry updates. For any strategy   them through additional ads, emails,
          contact information. You can save contact                                                                                something directly from your website.   you use, the most important thing   and social posts. Never allow a new
          information from these new leads, add it to                                                                              When designed well with a clear call   to remember is consistency. Posting   lead to forget about you because,
          your database, and retarget the leads with                                                                               to action, landing pages are a highly   content on an irregular basis will   once they do, they will move on to
          different ads.                                                                                                           effective way to gather information   not drive the results you want; you   somebody else. n
                                                                                                                                   from qualified leads that are already   need to be posting on a consistent
          Platforms like Facebook allow you to                                                                                     looking for what you have to offer.   schedule—for instance, every
          narrow the target audience of your ads    In addition to ads and lead                                                                                       Monday, Thursday, and Saturday—
          by factors like location, age, and interests                                                                             The item of value you offer should   while keeping in mind when your
          to make them even more effective. These   magnets, sharing relevant                                                      depend on your audience. For example,   audience is most active.
          ads are also inexpensive (costing less                                                                                   a property management company
          than a cup of coffee a day in some cases)   content is guaranteed to                                                     might want to present a downloadable   At its core, content marketing
          and allow you to manage the cost by                                                                                      guide for purchasing a rental property   presents you as the authority,
          manipulating the frequency and reach of   help you stay top of mind                                                      or an e-book on the best practices for   promotes trust, and draws more   About the author: Luke Acree is an
          your ads.                                                                                                                landlords. Think about what kind of   attention to your business. This helps   authority on leadership, a lead-
                                                    with your audience and                                                         information your audience needs, and   generate social proof, which is the   generation specialist, and a referral
          Landing pages and lead magnets                                                                                           then make sure you give them just   idea that the more people see others   expert who has helped more than
          As previously mentioned, you can direct   encourage visitors to                                                          enough of it to trust your authority   engaging with and enjoying your   100,000 entrepreneurs and small
          people to a landing page through your     spend more time on your                                                        and want to learn more. After you’ve   content, the likelier they will be to do   businesses grow their companies.
          ads; however, landing pages can also be                                                                                  collected contact information from the   the same. When people recognize   He hosts Stay Paid, a sales and
          stand-alone tools. They are designed to be   website and social pages.                                                   people who clicked on and downloaded   and trust you, they will keep coming   marketing podcast, and has been
          lead-converting machines, encouraging                                                                                    it, be sure to input it into your database   back for more, increasing your   featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes,
          visitors to give their information in                                                                                    for retargeting.                   conversion and referral rates.     and

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