Page 26 - PHR - Business In Action Magazine 5.9.23 (1)_Neat
P. 26
Matt Pye, senior vice president of sales and marketing for
Just Born Quality Confections, discusses why his company
is still flourishing after one hundred years.
Tell us about your company’s that consumers know and love– celebrations for their children and
origins and history: Peeps, Mike and Ike, Hot Tamales, families. Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews
and Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews. has a strong following in Philly and
Sam Born grew up in Russia, learned We now employ almost six hundred New York because it has been a
how to make French chocolates in associates, who produce and sell year-round regional treat for over
France, and then immigrated to the our brands primarily from our one hundred years. Hot Tamales is
United States to pursue his dream headquarters and original factory in America’s number one cinnamon-
to make candy. He opened a small Bethlehem and our Peanut Chews flavored candy, and Mike and Ike
retail store and factory in Brooklyn factory in Philadelphia. has become our largest brand with a
in 1923 and produced a fresh line of multitude of fruit flavors that appeal
candy daily, declaring the candies to a wide audience.
“Just Born,” which is where our name Your company has survived
comes from. The company relocated World War II, the Great
to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, during Depression, and a few other What have been the biggest
the height of the Great Depression recessions. What makes your challenges in Just Born’s
in 1932. The family bought a vacant products so timelessly loved? history? How did your team
printing facility where the Saturday overcome them?
Evening Post had been printed and Our candies are beloved by so many
found an ample labor force thanks to because they are trusted, having been Moving the family business from
Bethlehem Steel. We have been part around for a long time: Goldenberg’s Brooklyn to Bethlehem during the
of the Lehigh Valley ever since. Peanut Chews since 1917, Mike and Ike height of the Depression was a risky
since 1940, Hot Tamales since 1950, move. But it was the right one for the
and Peeps since 1953. long term, as the company has grown
How has the company grown from a regional manufacturer of a
over the past century? In addition, our fans have an variety of candies to a producer of
emotional connection with our well-known national brands. “Moving the family business from Brooklyn to Bethlehem during the height
Just Born has grown from a small brands, particularly with Peeps.
operation making all kinds of candy Many folks grew up receiving Peeps Similarly, closing our doors for six of the Depression was a risky move. But it was the right one for the
to becoming the tenth-largest candy in their Easter baskets and now weeks at the start of the COVID-19 long term, as the company has grown from a regional manufacturer of
company with four iconic brands make Peeps a special part of Easter pandemic was a risky move, but it a variety of candies to a producer of well-known national brands.”