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and holiday celebrations, which is why
          quality is so important to us. Families
          have shared our confections with
          loved ones for generations, and people
          often say that our treats evoke happy
          memories and feelings of nostalgia.
          Though it may seem simple, our
          candies mean more to our fans, which
          is why we aim to provide the highest-
          quality product possible.

          Just Born is celebrating its
          one-hundredth anniversary in
          2023. What does that mean
          to the family?

 the product year-round and then sell   to develop new products and flavors   Your company doesn’t just   Not many family businesses survive
 it during three seasonal periods.  that fit with the brand equities and   make confections; it makes   beyond the second generation, so
 expand the fan base.   quality confections. Tell us   to be celebrating one hundred years
 about what quality has    with the third generation leading the
 How do you decide between   With Peeps, for example, the   meant to your reputation    way is amazing. Staying true to our
 having only tried-and-true   timeless yellow chicks have been   and success:  family values, our engaged associates,
 offerings versus expanding   our best seller for years; however,   and our iconic brands are at the core
 them to a wider audience    we have been able to dramatically   There’s a reason the word quality   of our success, so the focus of our   For more info, visit
 of consumers?  grow the brand through flavors   is in our company name, Just   one-hundredth anniversary will be to
 that have more appeal to a younger   Born Quality Confections. We   honor and celebrate our associates,
 We think we’ve struck a perfect   audience like Party Cake, Sour   are committed to consistently   stakeholders, and community,
 balance of providing fans with the   Watermelon, and Cotton Candy. We   producing products of the highest   which have all played a major role
 well-known and loved classics that   have also developed products that   quality and will continue to focus on   in the success of our company.   “We take great pride in knowing that our
 they’ve seen for generations while   are more indulgent for adults to   cutting-edge product innovation.   Going forward, we are committed to   candies are a major part of many people’s
 still coming up with refreshing new   enjoy, such as our Peeps Delights,   We take great pride in knowing   remaining family owned, making our
 ways for fans to enjoy our candies.   which are classic individual Peeps   that our candies are a major part   brands more widely available, and   family traditions and holiday celebrations,
 We do a lot of research and testing   dipped in chocolate.  of many people’s family traditions   bringing sweetness to people’s lives. n  which is why quality is so important to us.”

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