Page 6 - revista edicion 13 final
P. 6

While  pursuing  my  degree  I
                                                                          began to look for some sort of
                                                                          income that I would genuinely
                                                                          enjoy  doing  and  be  able  to
                                                                          help  people  grow.  I  was
                                                                          shortly  offered  a  job  at  my
                                                                          local  gym  EoS  fitness  and
                                                                          became  the  new  Assistant
                                                                          Fitness  Manager.  Here  my
                                                                          primary  focus  was  to  interact
                                                                          with the members coming into
                                                                          the  gym.  I  would  give  them  a
                                                                          complementary  workout
                                                                          designed  to  breakdown  each
                                                                          focal  point  of  their  body  in
                                                                          order  to  see  any  problem
                                                                          areas  that  needed  to  be
                                                                          corrected.  I  would  walk  each
                                                                          person  through  the  workout
                                                                          t o   s e e   h o w   t h e y   a r e
                                                                          performing  naturally  and  then
                                                                          m a k e   t h e   n e c e s s a r y
                                                                          corrections  they  needed  to
                                                                          optimize  the  exercise.  Even
                                                                          though  my  job  is  to  promote
                                                                          the benefits of working with a
                                                                          trainer  to  sell  members
                                                                          personal training; I love being
                                                                          able to help every level athlete
                                                                          to  unlock  their  true  potential
                                                                          inside and outside of the gym.
                                                                          Physical  fitness  has  been
                                                                          something  that  has  been
                                                                          extremely important to myself
                                                                          and I feel like I have learned so
                                                                          much  about  it  in  the  past  10
                                                                          years.  Implementing  those
                                                                          same  foundations  that  my
                                                                          family  and  military  has
                                                                          instilled  into  me  has  helped
                                                                          me find something that I could
                                                                          use  to  benefit  my  future  and
                                                                          help  guide  others  to  their  full
                                                                          potential with the knowledge I
                                                                          have  obtained  in  my  own
                                                                          personal life.
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