Page 9 - asimetriktarihDERGİ
P. 9
declared their separation and designated their names as confe-
derations, Jefferson Davis was proclaimed as president. Taking
the name of the Confederation, Abraham Lincoln, the president
of the union, announced that they were against the separation of
11 states from the union, and that if they continued in this way,
they would not regain the regions by force, but that they would
recall all state employees, in addition, they would close systems
such as banks. All calls for reconciliation went unanswered. The
Confederation was firm in this decision and showed that they
would move forward without giving up with their determined
stance. Thus began a war that would last four (4) years, which
we call the American Civil War.
The Emergence of the Great Separation
Although the main reason for this idea of separation that emer-
ged in the United States was seen as the election of Abraham
Lincoln, who promised to abolish slavery, there were underlying
conditions for this situation. The fact that agriculture deter-
mined the general economic situation in the Southern states
indicated that there was a great need for slavery. In the northern
states, the situation was different, slavery was abolished as in-
dustrialization had settled in and the free labor model was app-
lied. The reason why the northern states wanted the abolition
of slavery in the whole country was that the slaves in the south
were forced to work in agriculture and the labor force to work
in the factories was scarce. They thought that if the free labor
model was implemented in the south and all states and slavery
The Battle that Decided the Fate of a Continent was outlawed, all slaves would come to the north to work in the
the American Civil War factories. In addition to these reasons, another important reason
was that the southern states were selling the raw materials they
What is the story of the 11 Southern states seceding from produced to Europe and were buying slaves from Europe. Sout-
America? What were the reasons for the great uprising in the hern states were selling raw materials cheaply to Europe and
Americas? there was not enough raw material left for the domestic market.
This situation did not please the northern states. The souther-
The United States of America had to fight for complete and ners, who knew that eventually the new president of the United
complete independence. The most important reason for the States of America, Lincoln, would ban slavery in the southern
emergence of this struggle was the desire to abolish the concept states, decided to break up, causing the American civil war to
of slavery. At that time, the source of economic income of the unite under the name of the confederation.
United States was agriculture and farming. In this order, the
most labor force formation and the greatest support were the Cohesion and Independent America
slaves brought from the African region. These slaves not only In the first years of this battle, neither side was able to gain
worked long hours as if they were tortured but also enriched the upper hand. Large and small battles continued and clashes
the wealth of the natives of America. There was an industrial continued. The parties that lost a lot of blood prepared the
society located outside of agriculture in a part of America, but infrastructure for the birth of the compulsory military law in
the continuation of this industrial region depended on the the Americas, and both sides implemented this law to raise
ability of the agricultural states to produce raw materials. The themselves to a sufficient level in the military sense. According
industrialized state areas no longer needed slaves, so slavery was to known figures, the total number of soldiers lost by the Union
outlawed. Since America was a newly established state, slavery and the Confederation was around 600 thousand. There were as
was also banned in the newly established states. The prohibition many veterans as the number of soldiers lost in the battles, and
of slavery in these states was to frighten the southern states, their number was 350 thousand. The Union was always supe-
which were still using the slavery system. The main and main rior to the confederation in terms of population and military
reason for this fear was that the slaves made a great contribution technology production, and as we can guess, the Union won the
to their economic power. If slavery was outlawed, there would Civil War. After the separation struggles were over, full unity
be a huge labor shortage and their production would shrink. was achieved and the contribution of this struggle to the United
With the emergence of this fear, divisions began among the States of America was the abolition of slavery, the independence
states. When the divisions continued to increase, a confederati- of people who continued their lives as slaves, gaining the right
on union emerged, which was a union of separatist forces. The to vote, and an increase in the tendency to work in industries
states that did not want the prohibition of slavery came together as a free labor market was formed. It caused a tremendous
and stood against the union and announced that they had left acceleration in the rate of industrialization. In the United States,
the union and declared independence they had created among which eliminated the danger of partition, the separation phases
themselves. By a joint agreement between these states, which came to an end in April 1865, and five (5) days after this situati-
9 on ended, Abraham Lincoln died as a result of an assassination.