Page 68 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 68

Armor Plastics building prior to renovations.    Armor Plastics building post renovations.
                            Photo by Bill Jones (Wonderland Studios)         Photo by Bill Jones (Wonderland Studios)

            Apartments are scheduled for completion by the end of   Street/U.S. 421 to the hilltop circumventing downtown,
            2020.                                           unless making deliveries there. As part of the overall
                                                            bridge project, the City of Madison took ownership
               Located in the heart of downtown is the former
                                                            of Main Street (previously owned and maintained by
            Elks Lodge building on West Street. In 2006, arson
                                                            Indiana Department of Transportation) for a several
            destroyed the 1904 building, but over the last few years,
                                                            mile stretch through the heart of downtown. This
            Placeworks, LLC, took on the challenge of restoring the
            burned-out structure into seven high-end apartments.   allows a tremendous opportunity for the City to create
            The interior of the renovated apartment building is   a safe transportation corridor that can utilize not only
            sleek and modern with open floor plans and dramatic   vehicular traffic but enhance pedestrian and bicycle
            windows. The owners have re-purposed as much    traffic as well. A steering committee has been formed
            reclaimed wood as possible on the interior. Meanwhile,   and a consultant hired to help guide this important and
            the building’s exterior has retained it’s historic integrity.
                                                            transformative process that will positively impact our
                                                            Main Street for many years to come.

                                                               Another “gateway into the city” project, located on
                                                            Madison’s hilltop, has undergone a major renovation
                                                            from a former abandoned manufacturing facility into
                                                            a state of the art plastic molding facility (pictured
                                                            above). The property was previously considered a
                                                            “Brownfield” - land used in the past for industrial or
                                                            commercial purposes with known or suspected pollution
                                                            including soil contamination due to hazardous waste.
                                                            Now, the project has had a significant impact on the
                                                            area surrounding it, not only visually enhancing the
                                                            landscape but also creating new jobs and significant
                                                            capital investment for the city.

                                                               Much of the transformation of the city of Madison can
                                                            be attributed to our Stellar Communities designation in
               Opened in mid 2020, was the bridge approach   2017, which provided $6 million in grants and tax credits
            project, Madison’s downtown “gateway into the city.”   for these and other projects, including renovation and
            This project was meant to beautify and enhance the   reopening of the Ohio Theatre and a new and beautiful
            Madison-Milton Bridge approach from Kentucky to
                                                            pocket park on Walnut Street to commemorate the
            Indiana and improve the flow of traffic onto State
                                                            Georgetown neighborhood’s role in the Underground
            Highway 56. This is especially true for tractor-trailers
                                                            Railroad. Additionally, the City of Madison will be
            and other large commercial vehicles who can now
            easily access Main Street without having to thread   adding sidewalks along Clifty Drive to improve
            their way through residential side streets. Semis and   pedestrian connectivity and make that main artery of the
            tractor-trailers will now be redirected up Jefferson   city more attractive.

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