Page 201 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 201

1.  Welfare and Staff Amenities:

             11.1  Institutes:    2 Institutes are functioning on HYB Division.

                     S.      Centre/       No.of      Approx 20%      Chairman of         Facilities        Auditng
                     No     Location     members       of staff as     the institute      available          done
                      1    S.LGD            440       Functioning  Sr.DME/HYB                            2017-18
                      2    MLY              474       Functioning  ACMS/MLY                              2018-19

            The following facilities are available in Institutes:
            *1) Reading Room with News papers, 2) Billiards & snookers, 3) Outdoor/indoor games
            (4) Table Tennis, 5) Shuttle Badminton.

            11.2  Staff Benefit Fund:

                   The following welfare activities are being carried out from S.B.F.
                 Homeopathic Dispensary
                 Re-imbursement of cost of spectacles
                 Maintenance Grants
                 Re-imbursement of Medical expenses
                 Financial  Assistance  to  the  Physically  Handicapped  School  going  children  of  Rly.
                 Financial Assistance  to children of Railway Employees attending school for deaf, dumb,
                   blind & mentally retarded.
                 Cash Awards for promotion of Girl child & adoption of small family norms.
                 Inter Divisional Cultural competitions
                 Employee‟s camp
                 Women empowerment activities (2) :    i. Violence against women
                                                                                  ii. International Women‟s Day
               2.  Settlement Cases:

                   The details of NR & ONR cases accrued & cleared for last 3 yrs are as under:
              Year                    NR                               ONR

                        Accrued     Cleared  Balance  Accrued  Cleare                        Balance

            2020-21        231        231          0          87           77   10(10 are dispute cases)

            2021-22        101        101          0          81        69       12 are dispute cases remaining

            2022-23        144        144          0          49        48      1 latest case - under process

   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206