Page 198 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 198

4.2 Compassionate Ground Appointments offered:

                       Category       2019-    2020-     2021-22     2022-23             Remarks
                                        20       21
                    Group   ”C”         20       *10        25          19

                    Group   ”D”         25       *10        41          30

                    Total  Gr.C  &      45       20         66          49

            5.     Selections/Promotions:

            A total No.of promotions ordered from 01.01.2022 to 01.12.2022   -     430

            MACP:  58   MACPs were ordered in favour of the all eligible employees from the
            dates they due. Target fixed by Hqrs has been reached.

             6.  Alternative appointment to medically decategorised staff:

                      No of accrued from 01.01.2022 to till date                           45
                      No. of cases closed by absorbing in alternative post/VR              39
                      Balance Cases                                                    6 (4 RPF
             * *

             * Only 6 cases are  pending and are under process. Screening being held at regular intervals.

               7.  Vacancy position in Safety Categories: as on 01.12.2022 & Action Plan

              Sl.N       Category          S       A      V      E                     Remarks
               1     Loco Pilots          579     545     34     0        1.  2  incumbents  will  be  repatriated
                                                                             from  Loco  Running  supervisory
                                                                          2.  A  list  of    73    employees  placed  in
                                                                             the Select List  and on completion of
                                                                             mandatory training  will be promoted
                                                                          3.  LP(Goods)     Employees     excess
                                                                          4.  Sr.ALP-85  vacancies.  Select  list
                                                                             was  issued  on  24.05.2022  for  77
                                                                             Sr.ALPs – not completed 2 years of
                                                                             residency period.

               2     Loco Pilot           17      17      0      0    -

   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203