Page 195 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 195

             S.No    Name of the siding                                                            Siding

               A)    “Lakshme Food Processing Ware House & Cold Storage” taking                    Private
                     off from Jankampet Jn. station on NZB-MUE section.
              1. The DPR/ESP of approved on 03.08.12.
              2. In-Principle approval at Divisional level accorded on 22.10.19.
              3. Land License Agreement was executed on 06.07.2021 for sparing of Railway Land.
              4. Party submitted status of work on 12.11.21.
              5. Major bridge Work in progress, earth work to be started.
              6. Party submitted requisition for migration to New GCT Policy.

              S.No  Name of the siding                                                        Siding
                B)    “Green Field Private Freight Terminal” at Uppalwai (UPW) station by     Private
                      M/s Mahalaxmi warehousing, Warangal.
               1. Application submitted on 24.02.2021.
              2. Project Feasibility Report and Conceptual plan on 24.02.2021.
              3. Application fees submitted on 03.05.2021.
              4. In-Principle approval at Divisional level and DRM approval accorded on 01.10.2021.
              5. In-Principle approval at Zonal level accorded on 03.01.2022.
              6. Consultant submitted ESP on 20.01.2022 under new GCT policy.
              7. Final ESP submitted by consultant, approved at Divisional level and approved by CE/P&D on
              8. Intimated to party on 27.04.2022 to submit modified DPR basing on approved ESP.

              S.No.  Name of the siding                                                            Siding
                C)    “M/S  TGV  Sri  Rayalaseema  Alkalies  and  Allied  Chemical  Ltd”  at       Private
                      Alampur (ALPR) station by M/s TGV SRAACL, Kurnool.
               1. Consultant  submitted  the  application  on  25.03.2022  under  New  GCT  policy  for  further
               2. Application Fees paid on 29.03.2022
               3. In Principle Approval issued on 13.04.2022.
               4. Final ESP approved by CE/P&D on 14.05.2022.
               5. Intimated to party on 27.04.2022 to submit modified DPR basing on approved ESP.
               6. FDR  of  Rs.10  Lakhs  towards  Refundable  Security  deposit  had  submitted  by  party  on
                  20.05.2022 and same was deposited to Sr. DFM/HYB.
               7. Final DPR submitted on 13.07.22.
               8. GCT approval given on 14.07.22.
               9. Construction work to be started by party.
              10.  Land Acquisition in progress.

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