Page 194 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 194

II.   RE works:

                Prioritization of RE works to avoid Loco interceptions and reduce PDD:
                                          Section                                  KMs               TDC
                 1. SC-MUE section

                    a) Kamareddi – Nizamabad Jn.                                  51.89            31.01.23
                    b) Janakampet Jn. - Mudked Jn.                                82.02            31.03.23
                 2. SC-DHNE section

                    a) Kurnool City - Gadwal Jn.                                  55.47            31.03.23

           III.  NEW LINES:
         New Lines
         No.                 Work                   TDC                               Status
          a.  DEVARKADRA - KRISHNA                31.01.23    Maganur-Krishna  (13.17  KMs)  -  The  entire
               section (65.82 KMs)                              section  shall  be  commissioned  along  with
               Work sanctioned vide PB                          Electrification  and  Absolute  Block  System  of
               2006-07.                                         working  with  03  Block  stations  i.e.,  Marikal,
                                                                Makthal & Maganur.
                                                                Phase-I  works:  DKC  to  KSN  Works  between
                                                                DKC  to  JKAR  section  completed  and  one  train
                                                                only system introduced on 25.03.2017.
                                                                CRS  Authorization  for  new  line  extension
                                                                between  JKAR  to  MKTL  commissioned  on
                                                                05.06.2020 under „ONE TRAIN ONLY SYSTEM‟.
                                                                CRS  Authorization  for  new  line  extension
                                                                between  MKTL  to  MGNR  commissioned  on
                                                                28.03.2022 under „One Train Only System‟.
                                                                The works between MKTL to KSN is in progress.
               (151.36 KMs)                                     Work is in progress by CAO/Construction/SC.
                                                                NI working from 29.05.2019 to 01.06.2019 (3
               Work sanctioned vide PB 1997-98.                 days PRE NI and 01 day NI) at Manoharabad
                                                                station completed by Const. dept. and Station
                                                                commissioned on 01.06.2019.
               Kodakandla-Duddeda (21.50              31.0
               KMs).                                  3.23      Manoharabad - Gajwel (30.10 KMs)
                                                                commissioned on 19.06.2020 under 'One train
                                                                only system' and Absolute Block System
                                                                commissioned on 11.02.2022.
               Duddeda-Sircilla (48.20 KMs) for       31.0      On 11.02.2022 conducted CRS inspection
               utilization of Goods sheds at                    between GJWL-Kodakandla (10.70 KMs) and
               Siddipet & Sircilla.                   3.24
                                                                commissioned on 28.02.2022 with „One Train
                                                                Only System‟
               Sircilla-Kothapalli(39.01 KMs)

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