Page 14 - May 2019
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Ultimate defence with

            robust and reliable

            medium voltage solutions

            Ensure a reliable end-to-end solutions provider
            for your defence requirements, NHP o  ers an
            extensive range of medium voltage solutions,
            allowing application   exibility as well as higher
            productivity and safety.

            From quality medium voltage switchgear to long-
            lasting transformers and market leading substation
            and automation solutions, the NHP medium voltage
            range can be customised to suit your speci  c
            performance criteria and are reliable, robust and
            built to last.

            When it comes to medium voltage, trust NHP to
            engineer a customised solution to help you gain
            a competitive edge.
                                                                                                                NHP90581 11/17
            1300 NHP NHP | |

                                                                                                      5/12/2017   3:49 PM
          90581_RAAF wings half page v3.indd   1
       Ensuring personnel and asset protection with fast arc quenching
       Arc faults have been a hot topic in the   provides an efficient and also simple arc   operation  very  quickly  in  case  of  an
       electrical industry for more than a decade   fault protection not only for switchgear in   internal  fault.  Moreover, The Arc  Killer
       with  much  of  the  discussion  centred   substations but also in the ring network   fast operation allows full containment of
       on  aging  oil-based  medium  voltage   without the need to send a remote trip   the arc fault within switchgear enclosure
       switchgear  and  the  increased  risk  that   signal  to  upstream  CB,  unlike  typical   without  need  for  external  ducting  or
       they pose.                           systems based on arc flash relay.   venting.  Consequently  the  substation
          NHP  Medium  Voltage  Switchgear    Arc Killer from NHP protects medium   design  is  simplified  and  the  arc  fault
       cubicles are designed and type tested to   voltage  switchgear  from  internal  arc   safety  rating  of  switchgear  is  always
       mitigate the consequences of internal arcs   damage  and  allows  fast  restoration  of   maintained irrespective of where and how
       and therefore protect both the operator   switchgear avoiding long downtime and   it is installed.
       and the installation. Through a strategic   huge financial loss. It also ensures the   The Arc  Killer  technology  and  the
       pressure release system, the internal arc   highest  level  of  operator  safety  in  the   benefits that it brings to a site highlights
       is restricted to the compartment where it   unlikely event of an internal arc fault, going   the advantage of partnering with a medium
       originated and it does not spread towards   beyond  requirements  of  the Australian   voltage supplier such as NHP. In additional
       the operator or to other compartments.   standards.                      to the market leading range of switchgear
          The cubicles are specifically designed   Arc  Killer  takes  arc  quenching  to  a   complete with Arc Killer technology, the
       to  minimise  the  consequences  of  an   new level providing an improved security   extended  NHP  medium  voltage  range
       internal arc and forming a key component   that  protects  valuable  switchgear  and   can be called upon to help users leverage
       of  this,  is  the  option  of  a  built-in  arc   eliminates blast damage to switchrooms   information to improve their operations,
       quenching system ‘Arc Killer’ which can   caused  by  the  expanding  gas  high   network efficiency and ultimate reliability.
       extinguish  an  arc  in  less  than  50ms.   pressures  and  temperature  generated   From  the  successful  monitoring,
       Exclusive to NHP switchgear, Arc Killer   by arc faults. Not only are the operator   evaluation  and  intelligent  control  of
       is a unique worldwide patented system   and the environment are shielded from   a  distribution  substation  as  well  as
       developed in Europe for the DF2 series   harm, but the super-swift arc extinguishing   substation control systems architecture,
       air insulated modular type switchgear. It   system  allows  cubicles  to  be  back  in   NHP is your trusted partner.

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