Page 17 - May 2019
P. 17

Feature Story

                                                  off, killing everyone on board.  issues  associated  with  hierarchy.
                                                     Finally,  the  halo  bias  can   Secondly, more research is necessary
                                                 also  affect  first  officers,  who   to better understand and deal with these
                                                sometimes see the captain as    complex phenomena. In the medium to
                                               all-knowing and infallible. They are   long term, this should allow us to come
                                             less inclined to challenge the captains   up with innovative solutions to these
                                            and more likely to bow to their decisions   problems.
                                            (conformity  bias),  which  can  have  a   Above  all,  it  is  vital  to  develop
                                            negative effect on safety.          procedures that would allow:
                                                                                •  Optimal  communication  between
                                            What next?                             pilots. It can be adversely affected
                              in  cockpit                                          by the hierarchical power imbalance.
                            organisation    So  why  not  simply  abolish  hierarchy   •   First-officer assertiveness. Problems
                       since that time, it is   among pilots? There are sound reasons   arise when they are passive or when
                 unlikely  that  a  new  study   not  to.  First  of  all,  the  hierarchical   their work has been undermined or
       would produce such worrying results.   structure has demonstrated, time and   neglected.
       However,  it  demonstrates that  under   again,  its  effectiveness  in  cases  of   This is particularly relevant as the
       certain conditions first officers can feel   emergency.  Take,  for  example,  the   boom in air traffic has led passengers
       less engaged, responsible or legitimate   January 2009 landing of US Airways   to fly with airlines from countries where
       than  the  captain,  and  fail  to  react   flight 1549 on the Hudson River, or the   the culture of hierarchy is strong and
       appropriately.                       management of 55 failures brought on   therefore the risks higher. Furthermore,
          An overly authoritarian captain can   by the explosion of an engine on Qantas
       severely  exacerbate  this  tendency   flight 32 in November 2010. Moreover,   societies are evolving and the aviation
                                                                                industry  is  opening  up  to  previously
       and  even  paralyse  the  first  officers   a lack of hierarchy can prove just as   excluded groups such as women and
       to  the  point  that  they  become  mere   disastrous, as it was for the two first
       bystanders. This occurred during the   officers at the controls of the Rio-Paris   people  from  lower  casts,  which  may
       crash of Korean Air cargo flight 8509.   flight.                         in  some  cases  heighten  problems
       The  captain,  a  domineering  former   Eliminating  pilot  hierarchy  is   linked  to  hierarchy. A  detailed  study
       military pilot, made a catastrophic error.   therefore not an appropriate solution.   of the impact of social factors on the
       The first officer noticed but did nothing   Instead, it would be more effective to   way crews operate would be a boon to
       for fear of reprisal. The aircraft hit the   focus on pilot training. The first priority   aviation safety.
       ground less than 60 seconds after take-  is  to  better  educate  pilots  about  the   Courtesy The Conversation

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