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Welcome from the President
As President of the Southfield Kappa Foundation, I am happy to acknowledge the many accomplishments
of our 2021 Scholarship Recipients. We are pleased to provide the young men of our Kappa League
Program and other deserving young men and women from our community scholarship assistance to
pursue their college education.
Our Kappa League Program is structured to help young men of high school age to grow and develop their
leadership skills. These young men are provided with opportunities to participate in activities and
programs to stimulate leadership characteristics, develop organizational skills and create an environment
of achievement. I would like to acknowledge the hard work by members of Kappa Alpha Psi who serve as
Kappa League Advisors: Devin Jackson, Richard Smart III, Gregory Whiting, Brian Cullins, Aaron Parks and
Jon King.
Southfield Kappa Foundation (SKF), was established in 1991 to provide financial support and guidance to
graduating high school students seeking a college degree. Over the past 30 years the SKF has awarded
over $860,000 in scholarships. This year the COVID-19 Pandemic caused our foundation many fundraising
challenges. I would like to extend my thanks to our Board of Directors for stepping up and leading our
foundation during this exceedingly difficult year.
Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic we were not allowed to host our annual scholarship fundraising
events. Thanks to contributions from our Major Sponsors, 500 Club Scholarship Donors, and the
Southfield Silhouettes we will award twenty-seven (27), deserving young people with a renewable $1,000
scholarship. Most importantly none of this could have been accomplished without the support of you, the
parents and family of these phenomenal students.
Our theme this year is “Young Scholars Achieving as they endure the Unknown”. In today’s chaotic and
challenging times, it is critical for the SKF and the community at large to equip, encourage and support our
young leaders to be competitive and to strive for excellence even in the face of adversity. We hope that
you join us as we celebrate these outstanding young people.
Keith R. Way