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“Young Scholars Achieving As They Endure The Unknown”

                                 2021 Sponsorship Recognition

            Because  COVID-19  Pandemic  we  were  not  allowed  to  host  our  normal

            Scholarship  Fundraising  Events.    But  thanks  to  contributions  from  our
            Southfield  Silhouettes  and  500  Klub  Scholarship  Donors,  we  will  meet  our

            Scholarship Commitment.

                                                   500 Klub

               Robert N. Armstrong                                             Terry E. Packer

               James R. Benton                                                 Anthony L. Parker

               Fitz A. Blake, Jr., MD                                          Bernard V. Price

               Julius V. Combs, MD (Posthumously)                              Robert J. Reed

               Diamond Krusaders (Spring, 2011)                                Willie D. Richardson

               Harry G. Franklin                                               Thomas H. Seabron

               T. Carter Gilmer, PhD                                           William C. Sharp, MD

               George R. Hamilton                                              Richard L. Smart, III

               Ellis Hayes                                                     Richard L. Smart, Jr.

               Rudy Hendrix                                                    Johnny E. Smith

               Glenn A. Jackson                                                Mark C. Smith

               Langston S. Jones                                               Mikel D. Slater

               Krazy 8 (Delta Nu – Spring, 1969)                               Keith R. Way

               William E. Newell                                               Gregory W. Whiting, Jr.

               Roderick E. Pack                                                Cordell E. Williams

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